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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Server has been setup for you @=VG= TEDF - GS9 Port 16587 -- didn't copy over the complete VG coop python, just the key parts like death time, etc. You will need to adjust kits and loadouts if needed, these are default COOP settings. If you need me to change these to match COOP, I can, but you'll likely want to edit them for your custom missions so I left them default for now. Let me know. Any issues, contact me. Cheers! *current banlist, admins list, and the Fly South Crash bug fix have been put in place, as well.
  2. UNBANNED *(afaik will take effect next time the server changes map or restarts) /locked
  3. You were banned by FastJack for massive teamkilling. I can see why he perceived this as end of round teamkilling, an apology was not apparent, and it was swiftly followed by yet another teamkill. RULES: [16:15:18 T2 SQUAD 1] =VG= deathdealer203: !setnext kaz coop std [16:15:21 TEAMKILL] TF47OR-6Hausmann [usrgl_m4ugl] WARDOG WARHAMMER101 [16:15:21 TEAMKILL] TF47OR-6Hausmann [usrgl_m4ugl] Arthya [16:15:23 GLOBAL] =VG= Kavelenko: !setnext Kol coop std [16:15:24 TEAMKILL] wellleeee [c4_smallexplosives] Colt1001011 [16:15:25 T2 SQUAD 1] =VG= deathdealer203: l [16:15:25 TEAMKILL] TF47OR-6Hausmann [killed] WingnutDX9 [16:15:37 TEAM 2] =VG= Fastj@ck: !b hausmann tking massive [16:15:37 DISCONNECT] ' TF47OR-6Hausmann' disconnected [16:15:39 TEAMKILL] wellleeee [ushgr_m67] bao-y0000u [16:15:39 TEAMKILL] wellleeee [ushgr_m67] Cel_Coronel-Everton [16:15:39 TEAMKILL] wellleeee [ushgr_m67] WARDOG WARHAMMER101 [16:15:40 T2 SQUAD 1] =VG= deathdealer203: !setnext koz coop std [16:15:42 GLOBAL] =VG= Kavelenko: !setnext koz coop std [16:16:22 GLOBAL] =VG= Kavelenko: you ok with that one FastJack? [16:16:27 T2 SQUAD 2] =VG= Fastj@ck: stop that fucking teamkilling [16:16:41 TEAM 2] =VG= Fastj@ck: stop tking or get banned [16:16:47 TEAM 2] =VG= Fastj@ck: no [16:16:55 TEAM 2] =VG= Fastj@ck: i'm not ok with that tking Please be patient as we wait for the banning admin to post up. You have no history of bad behavior on our server that I saw, and if you can follow the rules, and be careful to make sure people know when a mistake has happened (text chat helps), you may be allowed back on the server. Again, we will wait for the recommendation of the banning admin, FastJack.
  4. Yes, it had crashed. Thanks for the report - I've restarted to the last auto-save, it's running now. P.S. I've not had time yet to work on the campaign file yet, but it's on the list and I've got plenty of free time coming up starting as early as this weekend or next week. I expect it to be that way through New Years, so looking forward to get some more regular flights in as well. See you around!
  5. v1.1 Patch has been released A bug has been identified and removed. This issue prevented the entire Human Pilots Registry system to function and should have been caught before the final release version. All apologies to everyone who has been trying to use this new voice program. In addition to this, I've decided to not use a wildcard to catch the name of the BMS program to send keypresses to, and have gone for the "Falcon BMS.exe" method. Still, this will not catch every user, and players will need to test to be sure commands go through initially, and refer to VoiceAttack troubleshooting (and those tips we've highlighted already) to get commands to fire in the correct window. I'm happy to help new users, and the community has been helpful as well. Any questions, feel free to ask! Patch Release v1.1 Changelog Nov2019 Fixes/Improvements: -Changed common Send To default from *Falcon BMS* to "Falcon BMS.exe" to avoid conflict with open PDF's, etc. with Falcon BMS in name -Fixed Human/Computer Pilots Registry system - last minute addition of a mode check was to blame, has been removed for now Download: (Click Here)
  6. Version 1.43


    *Please be sure to download the AVCS CORE Profile from this download section as well, it is now a requirement for any AVCS4 game profile I release, such as the upcoming Elite Dangerous profile, and more... *Originally, this was designed for Falcon BMS version 4.34 - since then, it has always been and will continue to be updated to work with the latest version of Falcon BMS. Pro tip: never include a game version in URL's or graphics Profile for VoiceAttack by =VG= SemlerPDX Description: These commands use VoiceAttack to translate the in-game on-screen radio menus from AWACS through Tanker into natural and intelligent voice command phrases that will fire keypress macros to help keep hands on the throttle and stick, and maintain immersion. As an additional option, these commands can be locked behind a push-to-talk mode bound to your UHF/VHF transmit buttons in-game, allowing any other VoiceAttack command unrestricted access if needed, while still restricting these BMS radio command macros. Finally, this single advanced control profile is extremely easy to edit or integrate into other profiles. At VETERANS-GAMING, we fly with friends or AI Pilots, or a mix of both on our 24/7 Public Korean Campaign in Falcon BMS. We may go out with an AI wingman only to have a friend take their place mid-flight. For this reason and others, I created this VoiceAttack profile based around restricting when the computer can execute keypress macros that match voice phrases, having to first check if that pilot was set to a human pilot and therefore disregard commands for that pilot. Thanks to user requests during the beta, there is now an optional mode to reverse the Human Pilots system, to assume all pilots are humans unless told otherwise, and also a system to choose a different keyboard layout than QWERTY. I have also added an optional Audio Feedback Mode to play a short radio cue sound when a command is successfully recognized. Included is a single profile that handles every callsign and radio command variation in Falcon BMS, with instructions on how to add any custom callsigns to the single profile. The focus of this profile is only on the in-game Radio Menus, and creating an immersive interaction layer through VoiceAttack that is easy to manage and update, or integrate into other Voice Control systems for Falcon BMS. My goal was an intuitive system, so there is no user manual - only a few infographics and quick reference pic of all the radio commands. I personally keep that final pic on my tablet for reference when flying, to find radio commands I seldom used in the past when they were more difficult to access while busy with HOTAS in the pit. Say goodbye to the keyboard, and enjoy the immersion! Cheers! Features: see full details in post ↓ Sample Pics: https://imgur.com/a/xuclI0a (download file contents)
  7. FINAL RELEASE TO v1.0 Please download updated final version! Link below and updated in the main post above! You don't have to remove the old 0.99 beta profile, but it is recommended to not use both at the same time or variables may get messed up. Thanks to everyone for helping to finish up final testing! SitRep: I've finished with all final additions and proposed changes, and all known bugs and issues have been resolved. We've tested quite extensively to try to break things, and it seems fairly stable. The final version can be found in our download section, please rate and comment if you like and share this link if you can (click here). There is now an Audio Feedback Mode that can be turned on or off at any time. It plays a short sound when a command is successfully recognized, to save time and help avoid the frustration of not knowing if we have to repeat a command. I've given the option to have the Audio Feedback sound effect to output through stereo left, right, or center channel(s), and this is set when you turn the mode on. It is a radio cue up type sound, but a bit distinct compared to the ones in BMS to help differentiate feedback. All three sound files are very tiny, and are included in a VoiceAttack Profile Package for easy importing into VA, and will be placed in folder in the VoiceAttack program folder under Sounds automatically when the profile is imported. Finally, there is a single Variable Pause in the KEYPRESS_Variables command that controls the time between a keypress and release for every action in the profile. Default is 50ms, and if a user has any issue with the keypress macros firing buttons too fast for their computer, this number can be increased slightly to slow down the system and fix any issues. Huge thanks to everyone who helped out with comments, feedback, bug reports, and testing - I'm very happy with how well this profile has been developed, and I have a feeling it will be a solid tool for years to come! I'll support any changes for future BMS versions, and will try to respond to any questions about this profile. Here's a copy of the changelog: Final Release v1.0 Changelog Oct2019 New Commands: -Turn On/Off Audio Feedback Mode : Provides sound feedback upon successful recognition of a command (per user request) -Added a non-functional command to help recognize many variations of "Yes" words for the voice confirmations in profile Fixes/Improvements: -New Variable Pause between any keypress/release for adjustment of the time any key is held down, in keypress_variable command. Default is 50ms -New Audio Feedback Mode has custom SFX included, and gives user option of stereo left, right, or center playback for easier distinction -New Speech notification on startup for Audio Feedback Mode (if enabled) -Speech notifications on startup for PTT mode and All-Humans mode (if enabled) have been greatly shortened. -Fixed issues with being able to set Humans in Computer Pilots mode and vice versa Any problems or new bugs, or brilliant ideas, feel free to drop some feedback! Cheers!
  8. "What are we going to do tonite, Melon?" "Same thing we do every night, Semler... Try to take over the world!"
  9. Looking forward to this event! Thanks TEDF! (Best comeback of 2019)
  10. Oh yea, sorry - we did resolve this one, but this post dropped off the top-10 long before that, and didn't get updated. Cheers goes to Ciro on that one, Zadra, PITN and myself were scratching our head for literally half a year, having tried so many things. Can't remember the exact culprit or culprits, but glad this was a thing of the past.... Have to admit a little flush of anxiety when I saw this familiar issue again on the frontpage, before I noticed the date(s) of the posts. No worries, but gonna lock this thread up. Prefer to watch dates of posts before replying, often the older ones are not worth bringing back from the dead, though I understand the enthusiasm to help here - much appreciated!! Thanks anyway!
  11. We expect people who want to be in VG to behave like people in VG: Be cool, know the rules, have fun but don't be too disruptive in-game, make friends and be friendly, but also be yourself, and be strong and confident as you assist other newer players to fall in line with the COOP rules and spirit here at VG. We're all dumb sometimes, alcohol helps, but don't be a dork, don't annoy people, don't go gung-ho over-the-top RP gamer (we are not a hardcore server!), and don't rock the boat. We deal with issues on a case-by-case basis here, and we try to keep it drama free. Go with the flow, and see where it takes you. Life is a journey, not a destination.
  12. Thanks for the application! While we do promote from within, organically, it is great to know that you are interested, and that we should be mindful of your honorable intentions. We are very slow to recruit into VG, people begin as regulars on our server, and over time become well known among other players, PR Admins, and =VG= Members. We have a friendly crew, but to ensure we don't take on a large number of members who do not "click" with the other members, we ask that potential VG members attempt to become friends with the people you see around here. We have friends here who have been around for years and years who are valued members yet not =VG= Members, and while I would not say that we are an exclusive group in any way, we are expecting any new members to go down the same organic route that we all did. Play games, make friends, become part of the wallpaper -- at some point, a current member may nominate you for a Lite Administration role in one of our servers you frequent. Later, you may become a full Admin here. Further down the road, a friend and VG member may nominate you for a =VG= Membership Vote, and any "no" vote accompanied by negative feedback will put that vote on hold for several months or more, but between 10-20 positive votes and a person is approved. Just FYI. Basically, hang out and have fun as if the VG tags don't matter, get to know people and get known yourself as a day-to-day regular, and one day, either it will happen or it won't. We are keen to make sure people are a good fit with each other as part of this larger group, and that is why we don't just allow people in willy-nilly and see how it works out. Hope you understand, and are still interested!
  13. @Robotfungus, @=VG= LittleTortiaBoy, & @Raven800 ... and the midnight shift on Muttrah (because it crashed a lot, and we we're always finding ourselves back at Muttrah, with no admins to change the map) Those were the days
  14. Front Page Overload. It's there, just look on the right, below TS3, above the chatbox... Huge letters Edit: I see you found it. Cheers!
  15. Thank you very much @=VG= SolarFlame1! Regarding the 3rd party image links, if we could just tweak the system to disallow anything but an https: link or change http: into https:, that would be an elegant way of handling it. Pardon me for suggesting something without knowing the first thing about it's feasibility, but it came to mind and I had to get it out before it started to stink. On that note, when we swept for those http: images, they were all before the big EU privacy change. These days, it is VERY hard to find an http: only site, so these days, any links from Imgur, etc. all start with https:
  16. Has this been reported on the PR Forums? If so, did it include crash dumps and logs? Like Kav said, the Fly South Bug is fixed - but what is the deal with Karbala? Should it be disabled pending review/investigation? We shouldn't have any broken maps in the rotation, if it's FUBAR, let us know and we'll sideline it. So, rather coincidentally, I was reporting a crash that Xenalite and I noted on the 20th, and I'd like to find out if it is part of this same issue, or something different. But I need some direct information to correlate with any crash dumps or logs that pile up on the server. If anyone would like to help, please report if the server crashes in a manner that you are certain is related to this phenomenon that you all have noted from time to time, please note the time (in ZULU/PRT) and the map (preferably the previous/current/next maps if known) and also a direct report of what happened to you as a client (CTD, or crash to menu, any messages shown by PR or Windows, any odd sound or visual events to note, anything might help however small). I will gather that information and cross reference it with the dump file created on the server, and start assembling little packets of information around them and .zip'ing them up for later, putting them into categories as it's not helpful to report the same error over and over, just unique ones. If these are all the same thing, that will be helpful to note, but if certain maps have their own little quirks that make us think one thing or another, that will show through in the crash dumps.
  17. I should have mentioned that PTT would be required for that invalid sound cue option - as it would otherwise fire for every cough, bark, pin drop, etc. The All Humans mode for just ATC/AWACS/TOWER/etc is actually how this profile started, years ago. It's the most tested, though these new methods are unlike anything I've written before. I think the biggest curve ball will be the duplicate commands that came with this latest patch. See note in the command reference pic for details. Best wishes and good luck!
  18. Right. So, what they were trying to get you to do the things that may help troubleshoot your issue, yet I don't see that happening. How can they help you if you cannot help yourself? The game is not reading or writing the profile folder correctly, or the resolution is wrong. We can't help, we didn't write the game. Can you maybe try disabling your anti-virus for a test? Not sure that we can do anything more than the people who literally coded the game. I understand your frustration, but you need to troubleshoot step-by-step. Step one would be following what was instructed, then reporting back. If that doesn't work, let them know so you can try something different. Wish I could help - best wishes and good luck!
  19. That brings up another factor. There are many vehicles on these maps on the OPFOR side that will not function correctly for humans AND bots at the same time. The event(s) would need to be geared to get around these sorts of issues. Nah, man. We're not changing everyone's beloved PR COOP - we're just talking about adding some flavor to the weekends with something different. Even if we run this on a Saturday, the default VG PR COOP will still be up and running (hopefully with at least one admin who doesn't want to play this PvP COOP hybrid, lol) -- if we can't manage enough people to moderate both the standard PR COOP and this event on the day of, we'll need to turn off the normal one for the duration of the event. Also note, on the subject of an all-day event with specialized rules and behind a password that we provide here on the website, it would need a dedicated admin to play "show runner", and admins to manage the players, and cannot be allowed to run without those people (if they leave, the event will end). No problem passing the torch along to another admin, but we don't need a shit show here, if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right.
  20. This issue should be gone now. The fix is in place and the server has gone for the last 8 hours or so without a crash. Please actively try to crash the server by flying south of the map border, and report if it actually crashes the server. We think it will not. If the server does crash, please note the time (in ZULU/PRT/GMT) and the map (and if known, the next map that was going to be loading). The crash dump system is still running, so I can cross reference any crashes with dump logs and provide them to Alon if needed. As the issue involves memory allocation, it may be difficult to reproduce even if it is not fixed. But we're assuming it is. Thanks again to everyone for your patience and understanding throughout this whole thing!! Cheers!
  21. If it's not popular and doesn't work out, it may not be a regular event. But we'll give it a try if someone wants to get the map(s) set up for it, etc. And attendance will be mandatory! (just kidding)
  22. We were talking about this in TS3, this would be cool for events and we're gonna see if we can do this on the weekends, like a regular thing. We have two other servers, and while I'd like to keep offering COOP for those who want to play it on a weekend, we can put a message in game as a MOTD that says an open COOP PvP event is running on the other server as an all day event. We should work out the ways it will work, any necessary rules beyond our standards, and all that stuff. Xenalite said he'd like to shoot for next weekend, but this is pending on having the technical stuff worked out. For Events, we often give a two week notice and spend the time to promote it, and test out the technical stuff. We'll see what we can do moving forward, there would need to be people willing to do a bit of work and have a little knowledge of PR maps and configs, but volunteers are welcome, so long as you're not an asshole (haha!)
  23. Negativ. its only in our hands i think. I do not think that it really interests someone at deployment (but cant blame anyone for it)... it seems there are not too big problems with the bug, otherwise you would read something in the forum. and JTG has mostly 0-2 players ...nobody cares. we should continue to analyze his behavior and try to find a way to neutralize or move around him. there is different behavour! local crashes a lot less than online. deployment apparently too. maybe we should play a few more rounds bf2 again ... etc. So it can really be that we can never do anything about it, but it can also be that Kavelenko tomorrow by accident finds out that they do not crash if something else cross the border in the south before or whatever... Regarding the first thing you said, while it's true that the focus of PR is Deployment, and it has been expressed that if COOP development was holding that back and no one existed to work on COOP, that the game mode would be dropped - that does NOT mean that the R-Dev's are okay with letting bugs persist, etc. Bugs are reported and eventually fixed all the time for both game modes. This one was unique in that it took a time to even know that it was a real bug, then time and drama happened, and even now I just learned that some miscommunications happened, too. I was under the impression that crash dump reports had been forwarded to the R-Dev's a long time ago. The other evening, I worked with Kavelenko to capture a crash dump report with procdump that was directly related to a Fly South server crash. I forwarded this info to the R-Dev's, and along with the other info in our report, they've identified it and will attempt to work it out before the next major release (don't spread rumors, don't get hopes up, but a fix for this is coming if not in the next update, then soon). TLDNR; This bug has now been officially identified (I asked if I could directly quote the R-Dev from the private forums, will post if able) - and it will be fixed in an upcoming update/patch, hopefully the next one, if not, the one after that.
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