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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Yea, but that's just a good reason to use a non-standard port, right? We practice that at VG. I don't think the dedi would get attacked "less" if there was another 'dummy' server on with a standard FTP port, but I'll defer to the actual professionals here as always. Fun fact, the VG Website gets attacked on average at least once per second, every hour of every day, and often more closer to one attack attempt every 0.5 seconds. Apart from actual "hackers", there are literally legions of bots that constantly "test the fence" for any IP that's been on any sort of public list anywhere, including some that are not listed and just 'probed'....
  2. Dude! Sweet! I've been delving into IPS (system that runs this website) and learning more about how to use it's modules. We have a forms system, but past attempts to make pre-populated fields for use as Unban Requests (or examples such as Acro's form up there) have not panned out. If I can ever find a way for this sort of form here at VG, I will, but for now, this amazing form system by Acro will be perfect for the job, for anyone who would offer their time to fill them out. Thanks Acro! *edit: FYSA, if needed, remember the server is in Germany, so it's ZULU+1 or +2 for file date/times - will be fairly obvious which one when correlating a single map time since our maplist is always varied.
  3. I'll see about making a button in TCAdmin that can trigger the debugger to log 'next crash' -- I don't keep it on all the time because it does create fairly large files. And if those two don't have TCAdmin, we'll make sure they have it for the servers they play on. Any PR Admin or VG Member who needs access to be able to start/stop/restart the server in a time of need just has to ask - the reason I've kept using it all these years is because I can give selective permissions to anyone without also giving access to things where one comma in the wrong place would ruin the server. Feel free to pass that around, if you can use it, I'll get you set up. Just msg me. The method would be to have some Admin push the "watch for a crash" button after a known trouble map starts, then just play -- if it crashes as anticipated, the debugger will create the crash dump file, and turn itself back off. Then a report can be made to reference the time/date and details, and we can forward that along to the R-Devs.
  4. Thanks for the play-by-play! Can help us track down things!! This one is going on the list, should be no reason for the server to not restart within 2-3 minutes unless there are deeper issues.
  5. Lowkey - were you in the server, and it crashed, or you just went to join randomly, and it seemed down well enough to report (which we appreciate!) ?? If you're in it, and it crashes, give it a good minute or two and it can be joined by IP if even not in the list, BUT if you randomly joined and it WAS crashed that's crazy timing or something we should reference in the logs eventually. If we can replicate it with a debugger running, we can capture the issue for the devs, but maybe it's nothing. Anyway, like Stark said, thanks for the report - if you could reply to my question, would be cool. I don't think this is anything major of course.
  6. FYSA: trustedtechteam.com/pages/windows-10-pro-vs-enterprise-guide For the record, we are all equals here, I mean I lika da ladies, but some of my best friends pack fudge or chow box, and all are welcome here at VG... except hackers. Fuck those guys right up the ass. (er... I mean 'backdoor')
  7. @=VG= Kavelenko - So, those mods would basically download when you join the server, you don't have to do anything, and with that list, you can simply open the mod folder after the event and delete them.... The space they will take up on a hard drive which has no write limit to exceed would be less than a few GB of data, many of those mods I recognized as rather small in size. Buy the ticket, take the ride - it's worth it. With mod events, we will have the server up and running the day before the event (or maybe a few) so people can join, try out the mods in some generic map, make sure they're all working if needed - but seriously, Arma has come a long way since the Arma 2 days and SixUpdater.... Just assume everything will be fine because we'll have tested it prior to the event. Only thing to consider is not joining the minute the event starts if your internet is slow to download files from the VG Main Dedicated Server which is located in Germany (with seriously high bandwidth).
  8. Happy to announce version 1.4 just around the corner! Coming next, I've created a save file system to maintain user defined settings (PTT Mode On / Audio Feedback / Keyboard Regional Layout / etc.) between updates, as well as a live update system for minor patches to systems initialization, where a majority of my AVCS4 profile gets it's operating information. To put it plainly, in the next and all future versions, a missing variable or typo in one of the commands like INIT_KEYPRESSES can be pushed out almost instantly to any users of AVCS4 when I receive the report (1.3 exists because 1.2 had a simple typo in the new Carrier Ready for Departure command, in the init file only). Imagine one of the text-to-speech item variations had a problem, and was saying a word wrong, I could change that TTS variable on my end, and push it out to all users who would get it almost instantly when loading the profile. I tried a test of more than 2kb (the entire keypress init without comments is only 7kb) of info and a hundred variable updates and couldn't increase the profile init time past 1 second, so it's fast, powerful, and will allow featureless updates without re-downloading new profiles. Additionally, the 1.4 version will feature an update notification system, too, to let users know of any major updates that require a manual profile update, with minor bug-fix patches being installed silently on profile load. Never again will a typo require an AVCS4 "download new version"! For every AVCS profile or profile builder module I make for any game (BMS, Elite Dangerous, ARK/ATLAS, the Voice Controlled Profile Builder, etc.), any custom user saved settings will no longer be lost due to profile update/delete, or even complete windows reinstall (save file backup system included). Thanks to everyone for your continued support and feedback! Happy New Year!
  9. I run Win10 on my main gaming computer, and am KICKING myself for settling for "Home" or basic version; all the things I might want for some serious personalization and more direct control over certain services, etc., are part of the rather more expensive power user versions of Win10. That being said, I've gotten by for several years now, like STARK said, there are things you can do for look, feel, operation, etc. but in the end, like the actual pro here said, use the latest - it exists for a reason. Win7 fully patched uses on average 10GB more space than Win10 (obviously, 32bit v 64bit matters, of course), and Win7 on average used around 20% of total RAM, where Win10 has gotten that down to an avg. around 17%. After the culture shock, and having to learn a few tricks if extra user control is needed (at least in the basic home version), Win10 is the leading edge OS and has all the best bug fixes, security patches, and new/improved tools for users and developers (and prodding amateurs like myself), and if a tool changed (I hate Win10 Calc App) you can usually find a free and safe tool to install (see my cool awesome lucky #1 best Win10 article ) Best wishes - backup! and backup your backups! *EDIT: I should note I still have Win7 on my laptop, just gotta slide that arm over and update it one of these days, laziness mostly... it works, I use it 1% of the time unless I'm flying BMS, and "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" - used for google searches or info while overclocking and restarting gaming PC more than 8 times an hour, or for BMS, and that's all. And OS tests for my voice control stuff, to make sure it works cross-platform in case I missed something (I always miss something)
  10. Was a matter of creating custom settings for the Opfor COOP maps to work, otherwise the BLUFOR AI would just stand around or something stupid, I forget. Anyway, basically, any time a PR update would occur, these changes would need to be made again..... for... every... map.... Not sure it could become a permanent thing, because after the third patch update in as many months, Melon realized the scope of what it would entail to keep up that option here at VG, and we had to move on without it. Just a little info on that. It wasn't that it was unpopular, though there are those who greatly disliked it so also greatly disliked having to take a day off from their favorite COOP server, but it was a technical thing (along the lines of consuming too much personal time)
  11. I remember farting out some actual good maths to get those M1 Abrams to have an acceleration curve that could handle the 70 degree climbs up those mountain roads! I also remembering defeating the AI Bot "headshot the chopper pilot" with a special script, too - before that, it was like every bot was Gunny Hathcock with luck enough to break the bank at The Bellagio. Good times. Plenty more to come! ...omg... I just remembered the training range I made at main base! The ultra-long range sniper targets with score readouts in the shooting pen! Crap I spent a lot of time on that, barely remembered it! I think I might actually be feeling something....
  12. I'll be happy to be a part of any team doing Arma work for VG, I got burned out years ago, but I've got fire under my butt again these days *(mostly goes into my voice control profiles development, tho). 2020 will be a fun year! Ciro's been scripting Arma since before it was Arma (Op. Flashpoint)
  13. We'll get back on this project soon. Still regrouping after the Holidays, and keep missing each other like passing ships in the night. I promise this is coming soon!!
  14. This looks awesome, thanks Sausag3!! Added to Calendar, and home page. I volunteer for Auto-Rifleman, wanna run with Ciro, so hold off on slotting me until we get some more sign-ups, if you would please.
  15. IMO, based on all provided information, this chopper is a CAS bird with optional TRANS capabilities, not the other way around. It is one of the only true multi-role vehicles that fly, it would appear. For that reason, it should be played as such, and PR Admins should not bother nit-picking in-game any use of this helicopter. It should be up to the person who claimed the asset, and like every role, should coordinate and communicate with other squads. This means no hovering over troops hoping someone wants to get a ride, no dropping off crates when not requested, not putting the asset at unnecessary risk to perform either of it's role tasks (don't waste the asset) and not using it to spawn camp OPFOR Main Bases irrespective of the flag cap order. The preferred Squad Name for this asset should be the CAS Squad, though again, I really don't feel this should be a serious issue in game, and PR Admins may choose not to disrupt the flow and activity of the game to force a squad name change IF the asset is being used for Multi-Role operations.. That being said, if someone has the incorrect impression that this is solely either TRANS or CAS, and is only allowed to do activities in ONE of those roles based on their Squad Name, they need to be informed otherwise. People should feel free to use this vehicle for both of it's capabilities. It is very cool - not op, a bit under powered in both roles (but again, mini-guns with a good gunner will wipe a freaking map!) and should not become an in-game issue for discussion or debate among PR Admins, VG Members, or players. Please enforce those ideals, in letter and spirit, moving forward.
  16. Very impressive, man! One of my favorite maps that's still around!
  17. =VG= SemlerPDX


    No, we need to move forward with that Arma Modded Server idea, the hold-up was only the Holiday season, and now it's past. Ciro is the guy for Arma 3 servers at VG, he really knows his stuff, and I'd hate to volunteer him for the job if he weren't so great at it. I'll be pestering him to come have fun as often as I can on Steam until I can rope him into TS3 and start poking him with something pointy. I would definitely enjoy anything like Squad in an event, just gonna be a short while before I can afford a new game, holidays, damn steam sales (again) and still patching this massive hole in my wallet. Looking forward to it someday, though, like I said. Will help organize and promote any Squad Event you guys want here, regardless if I can join in. Obviously, if I did a Falcon BMS Event, not everyone would be able to join in, and them's just the breaks of our group and the different stuff we play. Will watch any videos, too, from the edge of the seat. Those are always fun! Especially when you can watch the event on more than one video, from more than one viewpoint. Cheers!
  18. =VG= SemlerPDX


    Not interested in paying someone to test their game, not after years of doing it unwillingly for much more expensive and ambitious titles, but will be getting it once it is 1.0 released or closer to it. Been keeping an eye on it for awhile, glad some of you are having fun with it!
  19. Then the proper role name for the squad will be "CAS" and even though, the CAS Pilot may choose it his own discretion to drop a crate or transport a couple people - that being said, the vehicle may NOT be chosen to be dedicated to the TRANS role indefinitely under a CAS Squad Name - it should be an exception to the standard, not a pass to run TRANS exclusively. It is a Multi-role vehicle, after all, unique in that way, so play the asset like that - do your CAS, keep on your cross squad comms, remember you have a valuable crate if TRANS goes down or is busy/already tasked and you're in a position willing to help. What could be cooler than that? Listen, whatever you all decide is okay, but this will remain a CAS asset with options, and will be causing issues if it tries to run only TRANS - this just doesn't seem like one of those rule edit situations, just a "spread the word" cuz it's pretty obvious by the loadout and lack of seats that it's a CAS multi-role more than it is a TRANS multi-role. Just a little off topic, I used to run CAS nearly exclusively when there were enough boots to field the infantry, as a pilot mostly, but also LOVED the CAS Huey on Muttrah, and could tear shit up with a good gunner, and work with the Cobra CAS by swooping areas it may not want to enter just for recon, and later LASING... this Griffon sounds SO COOL and I think I would LOVE running a multi-role CAS, putting those mini-guns where they'd really help, and listening in on SL Comms for any requests when things aren't too busy for CAS. That is a tight vehicle for PR!! Teamwork to the max!
  20. Sounds like it's unlike most other assets, rather unique like that. We don't have a Multi-Role CAS class.... MRCAS? Nah, that's just too confusing... Maybe the ruling should be "not a ruling", like either is fine. But I get that clarification would be helpful, everyone wants to know the rules so they can follow them and not get into debates in-game. Thoughts? This makes a good point: That being said, no issue for a CAS chopper with few teeth to drop a crate if needed/able, or take one or two guys to where they need to go, again by Pilot's choice.... But a flying mini-gun that you can basically put anywhere = if it's of little use to you, get a better gunner - same as all CAS with pilot/gunner roles - it's got the tools to kill, and takes pilot skill to survive. Sounds like normal CAS to me, just no rockets/missiles.
  21. What kind of firepower are we talking? Like the CAS Huey on Muttrah? Rockets and LASER Designator? M2's on the doors? That matters.... The Canadian Griffon CAS is literally a Huey multi-role variant.
  22. If you are pilot of CAS chopper, you get the teamkills of your gunner. Or did I miss a note in a changelog? That's a bit more than 5% deviation for regular pilots vs. grunts. This list would benefit from some aggregation, some time played metrics, etc. like average TK's per game played, or time based... Also, 11?! Really?! I know I don't play PR really at all these days, I play Elite Dangerous, ARK, Atlas, Arma 3, Falcon BMS, the new Red Dead Redemption 2 online, Wargame, other strategy games, etc. usually later at night with the Aussie crew, or sometimes in the day with old school friends at VG. I'm just surprised that I'd played it enough in 2019 to rack up 11 TK's.... As a squad leader in 2019, I've surely sent more men to their death through orders to clear X or Y building, etc. than outright killing them myself, usually I play medic or SL, and don't get much time on the gun as it is. smh
  23. v1.3 Patch has been released for BMS 4.34.1 (U1) Just a simple hotfix for a bug found by Wheelchock, the standard "Ready for Departure" command was getting overwritten by the variable for the new "Carrier Ready for Departure" command added for the new U1 update for BMS. As a result, this command will call an Abort by attempting the same input key as the carrier departure. Basically, everyone does need this hotfix, can't be avoided. Anyone can easily fix this themselve inside their own profile, if you already have v1.2, and you don't want to bother importing this new version - just open the command labeled, "KEYPRESS_Variables →→→((ADJUST AI COMMS LISTS & KEYS USED BY THIS PROFILE HERE))←←←" and scroll down to the ATC Variables section, under the Carrier Page section, you can change the #7 variable from "Set Text [KEY_ATC_ReadyForDeparture] to '7'" to "Set Text [KEY_ATC_CarrierReadyForDeparture] to '7'", and apply changes. Otherwise, just download this new version... Patch Release v1.3 Changelog Jan2020 Fixes/Improvements: -Fixed issue with variable conflict for "Ready for Departure" - was pulling new variable from "Carrier Ready for Departure" Download: (Click Here)
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