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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. The expression on that bat's face is priceless! Like either he's about to sneeze, or he's looking at you like, "Seriously, dude?" (geez, I hope he was alive, now I feel bad - but if you caught a live bat... during the day.... I just gotta say DAYYYYUUMN!) Most I've ever caught and ate up where I go is rainbow trout in the streams, maybe some crayfish. Not a hunting region, they keep those separate from the camping regions by area and time of year. But there are deer, bear, lion, everything up there - I'd never go hungry if the world stopped. I killed a flying squirrel once, though. But not on purpose. Poor little bugger...
  2. Damn, this is a blast from the past! ZZANG wins the apocalypse - new plan: Rally at his house; kill zombies; live.
  3. Yea, it's a good product, I'd pay up to $45 US for something like that. I do outdoors a lot, if you're in my neck of the woods, if you don't know your trees, tossing your towel over a branch to dry can end up sticky with sap, and on the beach you have pretty much just the chair you brought, and maybe a picnic blanket, nothing to hold a towel/hat/etc. On that note - those hooks should have a small clasp, one thing that sucks when hanging things outdoors is that unexpected wind gust that takes your clean, carefully hung items and ruins the whole point of hanging it by getting covered in sand like velcro. Just an idea, any small thing that keeps the hooked item from just flopping right off would be sweet (but I know you already have your design, etc.). +1 for marketing - pics, infographics, a small vid (once you get a working prototype)... This is just the first steps, but like Jersans said, basically if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right! Make the thing out of some recycled plastic that is actually CO2 pulled from the air through sustainable renewable energy made from unicorn farts and vegan dung beetles. You get the idea: buzz words. To quote the great Yogurt, "Moichandising!" now for some comic relief: Great name idea: "Handy Hooker" Because life is always more fun when you have a Hooker Handy!
  4. Hey thank you very much for the donation, man! I've been meaning to spend some time re-configuring the base campaign that we run, including improving the weather model and adding a few more aircraft options. I'm going to take advantage of the big server maintenance day coming up at the end of the month to get this done. I'll be restarting it to Day 1 later this afternoon, someone is flying right now. We'll keep closer eye on the campaign day, I just noticed today that it was up to day 20, and we generally notice a need to restart it around day 12 to 14. This is only due to real life projects that have monopolized my time just recently and I've simply forgot to check. As we more forward, a few regulars have stuck around and stepped up over the years, and I've been training them on managing the server so that I'm not the only one with access. A fun project for the future would be a small hook for the server to push some info to a .php table here on the website, but for now I'll just be mindful to keep a closer eye on the server when I go AWOL for a stretch.
  5. What maps? What time was it? Any helpful info would be..... helpful.
  6. There are two settings under Options in the Recognition tab regarding Confidence and you should test and set these as appropriate to help make sure your commands fire the first time, every time. For feedback as to if a command fired or not at all, you might consider using an audio cue. As you've mentioned this as a feature request, it would be no trouble for me to include an optional audio cue to both of these actions. First, (if you don't want to wait for me) get two different distinct sounds. I'll find better ones for a final addition, but for example: For a command that was recognized and executed by VoiceAttack (I'd cut this in half for just one sfx, and give it some filtering, etc.): https://retired.sounddogs.com/sound-effects/walkie-talkie-two-way-323236 For a command that was unrecognized (quick and bad example, but choose something distinct): https://retired.sounddogs.com/sound-effects/walkie-talkie-two-way-323255 So, then under the command in the category DEBUG, open the F_AVCS_VAS_INVALID_COMMAND command, and under Other > Sounds, choose Play a Sound and select the second example .mp3 - these new sound actions should go at the very end of all current actions, make it the last thing to happen. When done, press ok and apply. To handle about every other command, you can add a "Play a Sound" line for the first example .mp3 to all 5 commands in the "AI COMMS - Prefix Words" category, this will cover the first half the commands without going into each one - but for commands in categories "AI COMMS 2 - AWACS - AWACS Page" through "AI COMMS 3 - ATC - Tower Page", all 10 commands would need to be edited and have that same "Play a Sound" line added, all except those commands in the WILDCARD categories (those just call commands directly from the standard set anyway). Again, the place to put this Play a Sound line is the very end of the command actions as the last item. I can see this being helpful, and those example sounds above are terrible, so when I get time in the coming weeks, I'll craft up a pair of good sounds, and wrap a system around it that can be turned on or off. I hate repeating myself to voice control, too, and wondering if my command is going to fire or not, so I'm down for anything that could help on that front. Hope that helps for now! I have some website work to do here with my download section, and once those bugs are squashed, I'm gonna finalize this profile and get it out of beta, and share it around the BMS places. In addition to the feature you just requested, I'll be adding a single adjustable Variable Pause for the time any key is held down during macros, currently at a hard set default of 50ms. Cheers!
  7. This is pretty specific to the Project Reality Mod, and they have a troubleshooting section over there that the Devs monitor, where you might get swifter answers direct from the source, though many here are long time regulars of the game, some of the Devs have answered many more issues just like this and might have insights we miss. Just FYI. At least start a post over there, too - see which one of these gets resolved faster. We're all pretty much one giant team in the general sense through our interest of Project Reality, but since they made it, they've surely run through the technical troubleshooting so much that it's second nature. Might wanna provide just a few specific details, too, such as OS, current DirectX version, not sure what they'd want - you can ask tho. Best wishes and good luck!!
  8. I've made a final report on the Server Admin COOP forums of the PR website. I suppose it's out of our hands for now, unless there is something that can be done within the engine itself to fix it. Again, thanks to everyone who helped!
  9. Nice table - very helpful information, I'm sure! Is it possible to edit it to fit? This website is not that wide.... Acro and I have had success with Google Sheets (spreadsheets). I can embed an iframe for you if you give me a link to the spreadsheet. NOTE: Sheet has to have small cells and text to fit inside 1400px max width.
  10. Hello and welcome! Glad you're enjoying the server! Been rather busy with life stuff, then I get busy with the website/etc. and haven't found the time to fly outside of a quick re-training op. Hoping to be on the server more frequently myself soon. See you around!
  11. That was cool! But it made me cringe that the way he "stopped" the experiment was to pull the melting cable out of the socket... can you imagine if it didn't pull, but just slid melted plastic into his fingers as he stripped the insulation and immediately pulled that voltage through his body?! Not sure if the surge bar was any more or less unsafe than the janky heater thing itself. Funny as hell!
  12. I'm sure now you all can understand how the VG Config Files are not at fault, and never were. We had known this, but were fighting an uphill battle to get others to believe that, something that should never happen. All drama aside, I'm glad we are making some progress with assembling data on a larger scale than Melon and I could have managed. Glad so many are helping out! I'm sure a pattern will emerge soon that will help point us in a new and productive direction. (better than playing the pessimist, anyway )
  13. This was one of the first troubleshooting steps we took. No, have not tested a deployment or custom combat zones scenario.
  14. First, you must traverse the cavern of pillars, and carry the glass of water to the altar without spilling a drop: Ahhh.... 80's movie references! So much fun! (but seriously, I have no idea, I would assume so.)
  15. @=VG= ciro make an account at the PR forums, then send me a friend request. I'll make you a server moderator and you'll have access to files as they distribute them But you can find a zip of the PR1.5 files that is not altered, somewhere on the server. (check documents/downloads folders of all user accounts like mine, my old one, etc.) ALWAYS MAKE BACKUPS FIRST! Move any current folders somewhere or copy them, so we have references and backups to any file or system in our PR Server folders. I'm sure you'll do this, just had to say it so I can rest easy.
  16. First, I want to say, I am not trying to call you out personally, BinkleDinkle. No offense is intended at all, I'm sure we all respect you as a valuable VG member and PR Admin. You are not the only person that has made this false statement so confidently in the past, not the only one this reply is directed at. But I would like misinformation such as this to stop right here and now. This is simply not true. Enough is enough, and no one on the Head Administration team at VG is a liar. When we say that we have experienced this bug on other PR COOP Server(s), it is a factual statement coming straight from an experience we had when we were actively hunting this bug and trying to get to the bottom of it all. When you say such things, you are essentially calling myself and/or Melon a liar. We have zero motivation to lie about this. Your peer and fellow admin (Binary) has just found for himself that this is untrue. When a statement like that is made, it is now essentially calling (Binary) a liar, too. Again, enough is enough. No longer does anyone need to blame VG, or Melon, or myself, as liars when we state with certainty that this is NOT only possible on the VG PR Server, when one of your own peers has experienced it, too. Not sure we ever found this on Deployment, so AFAIK, this is a COOP bug, it is painfully inconsistent, and maddeningly difficult to identify triggering factors. _ We cannot let our opinions about each other enter into these sorts of matters, we can't be treating each other this way and disbelieving each other, and acting as if there is a division between us who Administrate this community and everyone else, between those who regularly play on the server, and those of us who spend more time managing the servers and/or playing other games online, as if we are allowing this bug to perpetuate - we all have the same goal to run clean, stable, fun gaming servers at VG. Just because we aren't there daily doesn't mean we don't feel your pain. For many of us at VG, PR was/is our first love. If you feel people like myself and Melon have "given up", I'd like to remind you that weeks were spent on this with NO leads that paid out, and no serious progress whatsoever. If anything was gained, Melon found and/or ruled out a many number of reasons THAT DO NOT contribute to this issue. But that is truly the extent of it all. When you try something over and over for weeks straight with no results, no new ideas, and no new leads, you have to put it on the back burner or you'll go mad. To anyone with programming knowledge and experience, and a drive to eradicate this bug once and for all, we'd encourage you to apply to join the PR Dev team so that you would have access to files that VG is not in a position to share with the public, or even our PR Admins. Anyone wishing to hunt this bug needs to be armed with more than just our config files, they need full SA Forums & R-Dev Forums access, and ability to access compiled python files, something that is only available to PR Contributors and PR Developers. Thank you all for understanding, and for your help!
  17. People taking advantage of ANY known bug, exploit, or instability should get the same treatment as everyone: Warned for their actions, Kicked and/or Banned for subsequent/frequent abuse or ignorance if it is consistent or intentional! *Taking into account what Acro1 wrote in reply to your question. We gotta be damn sure, so we don't punish people unnecessarily.
  18. Not for Mumble, but TCAdmin already does this for PR... it's why the server restarts so quickly when it crashes (99% of the time) Quite. The server was even freshly installed and given a week without any serious VG modifications to any configs aside from PR Admin assignments and the maps to make it COOP. When the server demonstrated the "fly south bug" crash more than once (on more than one map), we were fairly certain the bug resides in the game. Melon has personally poured through pages of code chasing any lead as far as it would go, to no success. Really can't wait until this one gets wiped out - worst bug ever. It does seem to be specific to COOP mode.
  19. I had a bit more time to spend on this, so I played around with adding in a 3-way toggle switch as buttons, and also using a rotary encoder without interrupt pins. It's just not accurate enough, and that's probably why the interrupts are used for methods like this. But I did get a working example of the 3-way Toggle Switch for you. Works well, I've tested it. There is a debounce delay for the toggle, increase it slightly if the keypress is too fast, but it works for me as is. If you haven't already learned this, for the toggle you'll need to wire a voltage divider, long story short follow this image and you'll be good. The red wire goes to Ground, the yellow wire goes to an Analog pin on your board, and also a 10k Ohm resistor connects it to voltage 3V/5V, whatever. The blue wire goes through a 10k Ohm resistor to Ground. (See Black ground wire on rail / white voltage wire on rail) And here's the sketch with 3 Rotation Axes and the Toggle: https://pastebin.com/sJQEAA8a (click to reveal)/* Modified HSI Knobs Sketch for Falcon BMS / DCS / FSX * with additional 3rd Rotary Encoder (Z Axis) * also with a 3-way Toggle Switch as buttons * for Arduino Leonardo or equiv. clones * by SemlerPDX Sep2019 * VETERANS-GAMING.COM * ( in response to reply at: * https://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/blogs/entry/32-diy-custom-game-controller-2-dial-hsi-course-and-heading-knobs/ ) * * Rotary Encoders need 2 Intterupt Pins Each - Choose a board that has enough like Arduino Leonardo (or clones) * info on Interrupts: https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/external-interrupts/attachinterrupt/ * * Pins: * Rotary Encoder 1 - (OUTA-OUTB-SW) = Arduino Pins (0,1,15) * Rotary Encoder 2 - (OUTA-OUTB-SW) = Arduino Pins (2,3,6) * Rotary Encoder 3 - (OUTA-OUTB-SW) = Arduino Pins (9,10,7) * * Three-Way Toggle - (Center Post) = Analog Input (A1) * * Three-Way Toggle Switch Wiring Example: * https://veterans-gaming.com/uploads/monthly_2019_09/three_way_toggle_wiring_arduino.png.1524289e8f56690c7ff6d9f321904de9.png * * Encoder Library * https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_Encoder.html * * Joystick Library * by Matthew Heironimus * https://github.com/MHeironimus/ArduinoJoystickLibrary */ #define ENCODER_USE_INTERRUPTS #define ENCODER_OPTIMIZE_INTERRUPTS #include <Encoder.h> #include <Joystick.h> //Three Way Toggle Init #define TOGGLE_PIN A1 int previousState; bool aToggled; //Rotary Encoder Push Button Pins // *further buttons added must increment after these (these are 0,1,2) (buttons 1,2 and 3 on controller) int buttonArray[3] = {15, 6, 7}; //Set Toggle Positions as Buttons* (buttons start at 0,1,2,3,4,5 for 6 buttons) int ToggleButton1 = 3; //button 4 on controller int ToggleButton2 = 4; //button 5 on controller int ToggleButton3 = 5; //button 6 on controller //Rotary Encoder Interrupt Pins int EncoderPin0 = 0; int EncoderPin1 = 1; int EncoderPin2 = 2; int EncoderPin3 = 3; int EncoderPin4 = 9; //*Must have board with 6 total interrupt pins int EncoderPin5 = 10; //*Must have board with 6 total interrupt pins //Tell the Encoder Library which pins have encoders Encoder axisXRotation(EncoderPin0, EncoderPin1); Encoder axisYRotation(EncoderPin2, EncoderPin3); Encoder axisZRotation(EncoderPin4, EncoderPin5); //Delay Time between loops int debounceDelay = 260; //Delay Time before button release int toggleDebounce = 10; //Variables to compare current to old values int oldX = 0; int oldY = 0; int oldZ = 0; int RxAxis_Value = 1; int RyAxis_Value = 1; int RzAxis_Value = 1; //Intervals for Jump/Warp Speed Rotations int JumpSpeed = 18; int WarpSpeed = 30; //Set generic joystick with id 42 with 6 buttons and 3 axes Joystick_ Joystick(0x42, 0x04, 6, 0, false, false, false, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false); //Function to translate Three-way Toggle Analog Value int getToggleState(int aVal) { if(aVal < 100) { aVal = ToggleButton1; }else if(aVal < 900) { aVal = ToggleButton3; }else { aVal = ToggleButton2; } return aVal; } //Function to set Rotation value adjusted for the turning speed int speedVal(int dif, int val, int dir){ int increment = 1; if (dif >= WarpSpeed) { increment = WarpSpeed; }else if (dif >= JumpSpeed) { increment = JumpSpeed; } if (dir == 1) { val = val + increment; }else{ val = val - increment; } //Correct Rotation within 360 deg. if (val < 0) { val = val + 360; }else if (val >= 360) { val = val - 360; } return val; } void setup() { //Toggle Switch Setup previousState = 1000; aToggled = false; //Set Encoder Pins as Pullups pinMode(EncoderPin0, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(EncoderPin1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(EncoderPin2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(EncoderPin3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(EncoderPin4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(EncoderPin5, INPUT_PULLUP); //Loop through buttons and set them as Pullups for(int x = 0; x < sizeof(buttonArray); x++) { pinMode(buttonArray[x], INPUT_PULLUP); } //Set Range of custom Axes Joystick.setRxAxisRange(0, 359); Joystick.setRyAxisRange(0, 359); Joystick.setRzAxisRange(0, 359); // Initialize Joystick Library Joystick.begin(false); } void loop() { // Loop through button pin values & set to Joystick for (int x = 0; x < sizeof(buttonArray); x++) { byte currentButtonState = !digitalRead(buttonArray[x]); Joystick.setButton(x, currentButtonState); } //Read Three Way Toggle int analogValue = analogRead(TOGGLE_PIN); int actualState = getToggleState(analogValue); if(previousState != actualState) { //Set Toggle Switch input as Button Press Joystick.setButton(actualState, 1); previousState = actualState; aToggled = true; }else { //Reset button(s) to unpressed state if (aToggled) { aToggled = false; delay (toggleDebounce); for (int a = 3; a < 6; a++) { Joystick.setButton(a, 0); } } } // Read "Heading" X Axis Rotation Encoder Knob int newX = axisXRotation.read(); if (newX > oldX) { //Determine speed of increment & set output int difX = newX - oldX; RxAxis_Value = speedVal(difX, RxAxis_Value, 1); Joystick.setRxAxis(RxAxis_Value); axisXRotation.write(newX); oldX = newX; }else if (newX < oldX) { //Determine speed of decrement & set output int difX = oldX - newX; RxAxis_Value = speedVal(difX, RxAxis_Value, 0); Joystick.setRxAxis(RxAxis_Value); axisXRotation.write(newX); oldX = newX; } // Read "Course" Y Axis Rotation Encoder Knob int newY = axisYRotation.read(); if (newY > oldY) { //Determine speed of increment & set output int difY = newY - oldY; RyAxis_Value = speedVal(difY, RyAxis_Value, 1); Joystick.setRyAxis(RyAxis_Value); axisYRotation.write(newY); oldY = newY; }else if (newY < oldY) { //Determine speed of decrement & set output int difY = oldY - newY; RyAxis_Value = speedVal(difY, RyAxis_Value, 0); Joystick.setRyAxis(RyAxis_Value); axisYRotation.write(newY); oldY = newY; } // Read "QNH" Z Axis Rotation Encoder Knob int newZ = axisZRotation.read(); if (newZ > oldZ) { //Determine speed of increment & set output int difZ = newZ - oldZ; RzAxis_Value = speedVal(difZ, RzAxis_Value, 1); Joystick.setRzAxis(RzAxis_Value); axisZRotation.write(newZ); oldZ = newZ; }else if (newZ < oldZ) { //Determine speed of decrement & set output int difZ = oldZ - newZ; RzAxis_Value = speedVal(difZ, RzAxis_Value, 0); Joystick.setRzAxis(RzAxis_Value); axisZRotation.write(newZ); oldZ = newZ; } //Send Joystick info through USB Joystick.sendState(); delay(debounceDelay); }
  20. Hello and welcome! http://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/falcon-bms-434/
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