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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Please post up here whenever you see that! I must get them to understand that it is not going to be a good stable campaign for them, and a waste of their time. Maybe they do not understand how to join the campaign in progress. Either way, I must speak to them. Thank you for telling us. Cheers!
  2. No, you cannot - and it will probably crash. Not worth wasting the time. Server is being restarted.
  3. No, the Falcon BMS Sever maintenance was completed -- Server now running 4.34.3 (U3) -- what remains is our other dedicated server in Germany, it will have downtime but that will not affect Falcon BMS Server or it's IVC Dedicated Server Today, I found the server CTD at 1900 Day 2 -- exactly 24 hours after the last CTD. I'm watching it closely, this is atypical. Please let me know if the server is not joinable and I will jump on it.
  4. Cheers, m823us! VG is lucky to have you on the Administration Team!
  5. Sorry, but I can't take anything you say seriously with an Avatar like that.
  6. dude I would have been happy if you left it at a one liner about the pic being linked to some group. You have completely derailed this entire thread, brah
  7. There is no squad and there is no schedule. We're casual like - come as you are. We don't have a Virtual Fighter Squadron, and we don't enforce any full-mil-sim rules regarding SOP's, Comms, or the like, just as best as people can muster is good enough or as real as they wanna go, and of course we have rules in place against disturbing others though that's never been a problem in the ten years we've been doing this. People come and go over time, like I said, would be nice to have some more regular casual pilots around, but for example, I play a number of games and sims, and most of the guys in VG are the same - those few who fly Falcon also fly other sims and play other games here at VG. Always looking to build up the numbers for the VG BMS Server - more regulars means more fun for everyone.
  8. Nope. Wired only for proper PC gaming as noted in the reply above. Also, he's already laid the wire, good to go.
  9. Whatever dude - wasn't trying to turn this into some political discussion, was trying to just make a joke with a comic, no need to grab your pitchforks and torches - and what's with that massive picture you posted? that's not how alpha channels work
  10. small progress report (or lack thereof): need to run the dedicated server updates and downtime before installing the SQUAD server, and since we've had to put it off until Monday for the actual downtime, it won't be until after that. Sometime early next week if all goes well, I should have it going, fingers crossed. Let's not go planning an event for the weekend yet, but I don't anticipate any issues.
  11. There aren't as many pilots here as there have been in the past, but several of us fly BMS. Chaz just popped by again - would be great to get a regular crew going again. We're a casual group, come as you are. But if you want to toss up something on the schedule and see if we can fill the seats, I'm sure it would work out great. I'll even put an event on the calendar - can announce it on the VG BMS Discord Channel, the Falcon BMS Ready Room Discord, Falcon BMS Forums, here, etc. Otherwise, we have the VG Discord and even at the Falcon BMS Ready Room Discord, pilots can meet up and plan a flight on any server they have access to. VG is a PvE (COOP) Public server open to anyone, just don't run any concurrent campaigns on accident - the CPU can only take one Campaign at at time. Dogfights are cool, tho. My problem is my aging PC is on it's last legs, already got new parts ordered, so it will be a few weeks before I got the engines rolling again.... Just working hard on my Voice Control Radio Menus profile for VoiceAttack - AVCS4 1.4 is gonna be very awesome. See you around, man!
  12. The VETERANS-GAMING 24/7 Public COOP Campaign Server is updated to 4.34.3 (U3) and the Rolling Fire KTO Campaign has been restarted to Day 1, 0500 -- JSTARS Replay from the last campaign has been saved for the VG JSTARS Replay Video project (coming soon to the VG website). Many non-AI fragged player squadrons available, Harriers out of Osan and USS Vinson, as well as F-16CM Block 52+ CFT now available out of Seosan. Difficulty is hard, grounded a few BLUFOR Strike packages (Warthogs and Hornets) to give OPFOR a fighting chance, and to allow more player interaction FTW. As always, we are open to suggestions and feedback. Please let us know if something is not quite right, if the difficulty is to hard/easy, or if you would like to volunteer to help manage, maintain, and improve the VG Public BMS COOP Server. We rely upon the pilots to let us know if the server crashes or if anything is not right. Send a message to SemlerPDX here on the website, Discord, TeamSpeak3, or anywhere you find me. Cheers! We are running Rolling Fire at ACE Difficulty with all sliders favoring DPRK. We have grounded a few BLUFOR Strike packages (Warthogs and Hornets) to give OPFOR a fighting chance, and to allow more player interaction FTW. We are not running a custom weather model at this time, but this may change in the near future when we find or make one. Please feel free to provide feedback on difficulty, aircraft availability, and munitions, and we will gladly consider changes or updates to our master Campaign file. Thank you for flying at VG! Victory Conditions are as follows: ➢ RoK/US wins if Wonsan and P’yongyang are controlled in less than 30 campaign days. ➢ DPRK wins if Seoul and Pusan are controlled in less than 30 campaign days. ➢ If none of these conditions are met in 30 days then the outcome will be a peace treaty. ➢ If no major objective is captured in 20 days then the outcome will be a stalemate. Current Player Only Squadrons list:
  13. @=VG= GazYea, I intend to do some pretty intensive hardcore work in that PC. And the WiFi is not for the WiFi but the embedded BlueTooth chip inside it, basically I run BT for a bit of gear, currently using a PCIe card, but this motherboard version has that built in - check the I/O, too - insane - but I currently have 15 USB devices attached to my PC, with 4x USB 3.0 ports on a PCIe card - again, this crazy board eliminates the need for much of this. But you are right about the storage -- 16TB is a bit much, and too expensive to replace every ~5 years. I've pulled those two drives from the list, and placed the order for the rest of the parts. I do need some kind of large dependable storage, but given that I don't trust any HDD past 5 years, and consider it unreliable as it approaches anywhere near that, I need to plan a storage solution for creating rolling backups of both NVMe drives as well as my personal storage drive (currently at 3TB). But if I was to factor in having to re-purchase 16TB of storage every 5 years, increasing with years as needed, even with price/GB going down over time, it's not a very wise solution for a poor man. I will probably just get a single 8TB 5400 HDD for my entire household and maybe even use an older computer around the house to setup a poor-man's NAS. That would be the wise way to go -- then my family can also have scheduled backups to that drive. And I can maybe even watch for sales and after one year, buy another 8TB into an external enclosure, and use that to backup the single-drive NAS for offsite backup. Considered some kind of RAID setup for a simple home NAS, but I just don't use that much space and likely won't for years to come. So I'll just go with a single drive backup, and single drive off-site backup (for reasons, offsite drive purchased one year after single drive "NAS") Placed my order, parts will be trickling in through the first week of April. And I'm officially in debt up to my eyeballs until a few months into 2021. WORTH IT! Can't wait to assemble this beast! Expecting to have some fun with the RAM and Ryzen tuning - hoping to run that 4000MHz RAM at 3600-3800MHz with very tight timings.... we'll see what we see. It's not on the Motherboard QVL which is normally not a thing I do, but I'm fairly confident I'll have no issues. *Pro's like @PBAsydney might know more, and I probably should have conferred with him before hand... I can still cancel the RAM if it's a totally stupid idea to go with anything but the G.Skillz sticks listed on the QVL for the Crosshair Hero VIII This thing is gonna be sick! Like I said, gonna rebuild my current PC with the old GTX 970 SSC, with it's 2x 120GB SSD's in RAID-0, and it's 2TB HDD and sell it on craigslist to recoup some of the cost of this new beast. Fingers crossed I can get more than $400 for an aged VR ready 1080p gaming PC that gets more than 60FPS in GTA:V and RDR2 at very high settings, etc.
  14. Seriously?! Use an extension!! If I lived in Germany, I would have learned about and used VPN extensions years and years ago. Here ya go @=VG= Fastjack -- extension for Google Chrome -- turn it on when you want to view stuff, tell it you're from Costa Rica or something -- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hola-free-vpn-proxy-1-vpn/gkojfkhlekighikafcpjkiklfbnlmeio ↑ best to turn it off again when not needed, will double load websites, slow but it works and it's free. I mean, I'm not saying that I condone hiding one's location for reasons to bypass government regulations - just to be clear. But the above is a proper method that works, just throwing it out there. I'm no pirate, but by no concerted effort on my part, using a computer has turned me into a "criminal" just by using/reusing my old purchased media - with a VPN, you can watch/download/listen to anything without concern that things will change in future:
  15. History of Falcon Modifications - link for a friend:

    Falcon 4 history.svg

  16. ↑ So true -- I had TP-LINK (and will send it to BLuD if his other methods don't work) Let's be clear: @=VG= BLuDKLoT if you are planning on watching Netflix or just browsing the internet from bedroom, TP-LINK speeds would be sufficient. But if you're talking about setting up your gaming PC in that room via this signal, or even WiFi, I gotta say that it will not be sufficient for what we all do in PC gaming!! You'll have a shit time with lag, latency, and high ping due to the way PLS and WiFi can be interrupted by everything from noise due to high-draw home appliances or not-so-top-notch home wiring, even solar activity and weather. For PC Gaming, and this goes for everyone, the best experience is achieved with a hard line ethernet cable going from the gaming PC to the modem, preferably not even going through a router first, with all gaming traffic directed at the internal IP address of the Gaming PC for minimum latency and lag (port forwarding, not triggering). Can't stress that enough -- the reason we all can game on servers all over the world these days instead of being relegated to those game servers in our own region of the world is due to the high speeds we all enjoy through wired high speed internet connections. We have servers in USA (a private VG server running a cluster of ARK Survival Evolved hosted by =VG= Airbats, and our Falcon BMS Server) but our primary server is located in Germany (at a quarter of the cost a USA based-server would run us). They also have higher speeds and less congested traffic lines making it a perfect central location for our gaming server. But again, this only works well if we use the most stable and fastest speed internet our home can provide, at least 5Mbps upload and 10-20Mbps download speeds, and by using old, cheap or poorly configured routers, WiFi, PLS (TP-LINK style power line signal internet repeating), or god forbid DSL / Satellite internet, we further limit that up to and including the realm of shitty 2005 internet speeds not sufficient for this level of PC gaming we're all used to.
  17. If this was Planetside 2, I might agree - those hovercraft in that game are far better suited to a mouse/keyboard style. But SQUAD had proper aircraft and choppers... and using PC game joysticks/etc. to control video game aircraft is older than you, Gaz. I mean that in the most kind way It is totally understandable that these things may not be implemented yet so long as they are "on the list" as it's a PC gaming standard that provides no exploitative edge against other players or in games in general. In Red Dead Redemption 2 Online, for example, players are separated into lobbies based on their control scheme because using an analog control stick with Auto-Aim settings ON vs. Mouse/Keyboard (manual aiming) for aiming a gun provides a considerable advantage over the mouse/keyboard user, and anytime you move your mouse (if you have controller plugged in with Auto-Aim ON) it temporarily turns off any auto-aim assistance. Obviously, it's not like SQUAD had a feature they removed, that was just an example of why it's of no good reason to not prioritize inclusion of controls for PC gamers with various gear of any kind (if I want to use a 3D Pro joystick and someone else wants to use a TM Warthog, it should make no difference to the gameplay, or user experience). Really hoping it's just a matter of time. Again, do they have a public roadmap or published goals? I feel bad offering uninformed opinions, I rarely censor my opinions and sometimes they are definitely lacking a proper base from which to form a more accurate opinion. I'm only human. The last thing I'd want to do by offering my opinions would be to cast shade at these awesome people trying to make their dream work. I just like to joke and talk shit sometimes. I mean, 4 years.... 4. years. But I understand it's a small team, an indie game, and that is totally okay. If I vent any frustration, it's just that -- if we all take a step back, what these folks have created is truly awesome and we should all be so fortunate to have a dream and see it through to a playable program with thousands and thousands in sales. Hats off to them, truly!
  18. I refuse to spend hours locking old threads -- no harm, no foul sometimes, right? These are good tips, many of them still relevant. Also, FTR, 999 also works (emergency line in UK) from anywhere. p.s. You keep what you kill
  19. Until this virus passes, safe sex is more important than ever, too:
  20. Oh how maddening! Yea, one year, I bought 50 feet of outdoor direct burial Cat 5 Ethernet cable and ran it out here, then I ran a second one so I can have my laptop online in case my PC breaks down, etc. A man can only tolerate so much bullshit. I will say that since I got this Modem that has a built in router and WiFi, it's way stronger than the cheapo-comcast modem, but was 4 hours of hell working with Comcast to install a 'user owned' modem instead of using the one they sent. but again, it don't reach everywherer
  21. Probably not - it's more likely the modem. To many walls or a wet wall with piping can easily block WiFi. If it's a cheap rental modem from Comcast, or it's physical location is butt up against a dense joist or wet wall with water pipes, there can be nothing wrong with your PC but the modem itself. Back in 2017 I paid nearly $200 for an Arris modem with strong WiFi signal and 4 internet cable ports out the back so I could stop using a router and also get good modern WiFi broadcasting. But again, sometimes it's just a matter of putting the WiFi modem/router in a better location. I have a tiny house on the property of a larger house, and I can't get WiFi out here - I bit the bullet and bought a long ethernet cable and ran two hard lines out here. I feel for ya, pain in the ass WiFi is a pain in the ass.
  22. Final note for future viewers -- FYSA it may very well be possible to fix a Windows 10 installation without reinstalling the OS - it's certainly worth a try when reinstalling the OS would be a far too painful process (I got an exciting PC upgrade coming and I am literally dreading reinstalling all the many programs, utilities, and etc. that I have installed over the past 5 years!!) from Gary at VoiceAttack: Try a system file scan to see if anything could be identified as out of sorts (assuming you are using Windows 10): https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026529/windows-10-using-system-file-checker This is good to do from time to time - it's not always a clear picture, but if there's something low-hanging, it does a good job of picking it up.
  23. Wait... it doesn't recognize an analog axis?! OMG - I'm floored by that. Do they have a public roadmap for development, or whatever? I can't believe there hasn't been enough outcry from the player base for something so basic, and I know a small team with a small budget is a factor - but these are like Day 1 things: make game work with keyboard, mouse, simple controllers, and maybe day 2 allow video and sound settings for various user environments ((or do not include vehicles that would require analog control such as aircraft, for example until the control setup was implemented.)) What I really don't understand is that the article linked is from a person wanting to set his vehicle bindings to a keyboard... like, how the heck do players control things if they can't even bind control keys? Maybe I missed something, busy working with the server and learning about configuration of this game, and constantly trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here.... Will report back when I have made progress.
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