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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Here's one I was looking at today: ASR Appendix http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?125329-ASR-Appendix ASR Appendix is a collection of various addons for Arma2:CO meant to enhance the multiplayer game experience with subtle config tweaks and additional scripted features. While there are no other addon requirements than the CBA mod, ASR Appendix will also detect and activate features for other addons, for example, the ACE mod. Components so far: - main - sys_automodules - mapgrids - sys_throwablesatchel_ace 1. MAIN - This is the core component required by all other addons that are part of this mod. 2. SYS_AUTOMODULES - Enables server and client customization by running custom code triggered from the server. - All features are optional and can be disabled or adjusted in the userconfig file (\userconfig\asr\asr_appendix_settings.hpp) - provide hints for players after joining with a message of the day or other useful information - reject players that are missing certain addons - auto-enable low-detail grass - configure custom starting view distance depending on the map where the mission takes place - configure default ACRE personal radio type - auto-enable ACE AI and radio talk - unlock user viewdistance changing in the ACE Settings menu for certain game modes - auto-enable the ACE GPS unit markers for all missions - hide ACE group markers to the units without GPS - disable a few ACE features some might not like very much - automatically enables the ACE wounding module in all missions. - automatically disables the BIS first aid modules if ACE wounding was enabled. - extra medical supplies into many vehicles like jeeps, APCs, transport helicopters or boats. - automatically enables the ACE revive system with spectator and a short timer for any mission where this wasn't already defined. The ACE revive will not auto-initialize in some situations though: - Norrin's revive detected - Bon's AIS detected - Insufficient meds available in player's inventory after 10 minutes - Combat First Aid - alternative revive action for ACE in the interaction menu. Requires ACE Wounding with revive to be enabled. It automatically stops the bleeding, injects morphine and ephinefrine while doing the healing animation. Needs 1 bandage, 1 morphine and 1 epi to complete. To interrupt, simply move away from the injured (unconscious soldier). - Mission Crate - transfers the content of the mission briefing gear (weapons, mags and rucks) into a crate at the starting position, allowing access to this (often critical) gear during the mission. Notes: - A player group leader running the mod is required - the crate will be created at his position. - If the insertion is done by vehicle, the crate will be created where the leader player gets out. - ACE special features for the items in the crate: - All magazines for disposable launchers will be converted into launchers. If there is a Javelin, a CLU will be added too. - SMAW spotting mags are added if there are any SMAW rockets. - OA rucks will be converted into ACE rucks. - When the wounding module is enabled, a medical crate is created too. This component can be installed server-side but it is also needed on the clients for these 2 features: Combat First Aid and Mission Crate 3. MAPGRIDS - Maps have grids of 6 digits at maximum zoom (accuracy: 100 x 100 m) or, when zooming out the map, 4 digits (1000 x 1000 m) grids. - GPS (or ACE DAGR) will show more accurate coordonates with 8 digits (10 x 10m). - Optional config addons provide support for: CLAfghan, CWR2, Duala, Everon, Fallujah, Hazar-Kot, Kulima, Lingor, Namalsk, Panthera, Podagorsk, Thirsk and ST_HUD. - Fixes the map grid offsets for all these maps so that position 0,0 corresponds with grid 00 (required for some mods eg. the Palladin). This component should be deployed on all clients and the server 4. THROWABLE SATCHEL (optional, ACE version only) - Allows demo experts to convert regular satchels into throwables with 10 second fuses (and convert back). - Standalone ACE version; user the self-interaction menu for the conversion. - Throw it like a grenade (but a very heavy one, so it goes really short); after that, Run! - Signed with a separate key This component should be deployed on all clients and the server
  2. If you see him again in the server let me know date/time I can look through the logs (only goes back about a week)
  3. I thought it would be best to create a thread for mods that are currently running on the Community Mods server.. for players to comment and discuss. This is a WIP!! If you see a mod you would like added please post it up and we'll check it out. I'd love to create a VG 'modpack' with the mods we like to use.. and stick to them so that requirements don't change every week. Also we can debate certain features of Arma that you'd like to see in all missions (ie: respawn, FF off, etc). Current Mods available on server: (surely I'm missing a few...) ACE ACEX ACEX_RU ACEX_USNAVY ACRE (plus jayarma2lib_new) CBA (all three) Fallujah Lingor Lingor Units Dingor Namalsk Namalsk Campaign Rangers (davegary) RH Weapons Packs Client-side Only: Blastcore JSRS st_lb_enhance sthud stmovement st_interact st_acre_volume Mission Types: COOP, Deathmatch, TDM Large missions involving most of the map Small, short, task-oriented missions Mission Features: Respawn - Yes or No? Revive script - Yes or No? Briefing Gear selection? Full Ammo Crate at spawn location? Are you annoyed by all the mods we use? Are you a fan of ACE/ACRE? Would you like to see more sci-fi or other 'unusual' mission types with either sci-fi? Other Mission Makers: Would you be interested in some basic Arma 'classes'? What about a mission template with all the necessary files and scripts to start creating your own missions? Thanks guys!!
  4. Fastjack =VG= LAN_WROTE ... What a question bro! Sure man. Go ahead. And please, same difficulty. Hehe...I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything... it just makes it easier with feedback from players. Yes did others find it too hard? Do you prefer missions with some kind of respawn? What if it was revive-only with no extra lives?
  5. 1SgMorrison =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I guess i was really usless on that event, but i guess my PC is not fast enogth for that, it stops all the time...dont know because Faluja runs well last weekend... dont know what was wrong That is strange Morrison sorry you had troubles.. we'll get it sorted out next time before the event. So I'm guessing everyone liked the mission? Should I continue on the with the campaign?
  6. ^ Anyone that signs up - make sure you download the required mods from the first post. Do you have ACRE setup and working?
  7. Well it was wrong !boast Fixed - 13 hrs 10 minutes from now
  8. ^ true dat OK so it seems undead and space mutants has won. See the signup thread for more details. http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?28663.0
  9. It's probably for a show of community support on the save the Devs website.. from what I've read Jerry has been pretty involved with organizing this stuff.
  10. Timer added. Yes my thoughts for this mission are pretty much that the brass doesn't tell you shit about the mission.. .so you go in blind and have to adapt. The back story I will work on a bit more... came up with it late last night. For warmup - that DM or TDM Construction site we tested a few weeks ago? That was a lot of fun!! Other suggestions?
  11. Sorry for the last minute event.. better than nothing, right?? When: Saturday September 29th 18:00 GMT - warmup and troubleshooting (1pm EDT) 19:00 GMT - Mission start (2pm EDT) Where: Veterans-Gaming Events Server port 2312 Password: vg Server is now up and running please make sure you can join BEFORE tomorrow's start time. What: The Namalsk Campaign Mission One There is little to no intel on the situation on Namalsk. A Russian military company called the NAC is known to be conducting 'experiments' on the island but up until recently those activities were limited to small unit training exercises involving new firearms and ammunition types. The UN closely monitors the situation on Namalsk and has an officer on the island under an observational capacity. Last month a shipment arrived escorted by Russian naval vessels and construction began on a massive underground structure. Nothing was known about this structure, and when the UN asked for more information they promptly lost all radio contact with their officer. Last night a US escort carrier off the coast of Namalsk picked up a large... 'event' of sorts. Not quite an explosion but more of a huge power surge originating somewhere on the island. No further communication with the island has been possible. Command has tasked us with a recon mission to get a better handle on the situation. Mod List: (both ACE and ACRE have had recent updates!! Make sure you have teamspeak closed when updating ACRE!!) @ACE @ACEX @ACEX_RU @ACRE @CBA @CBA_A2 @CBA_OA @JayArma2Lib_new @namalsk @NC @st_interact Of course all client-side mods are allowed: Blastcore, JSRS, st_movement, st_hud, etc. Who: Roster so far: (scratch the 14 player version - I made the 20 player version work for any size group) SavageCDN Gaz Wooz Iffn Lupago Murderface Outlanders SemlerPDX Morrison Fastjack Sam Poffadder Random Eclipse Team Leader POFFADDER Corpsman WOOZ Sniper Spotter Fire Team Leader SEMLER Automatic Rifleman SAM Grenadier OUTLANDERS Saboteur ECLIPSE Fire Team Leader MURDERFACE Automatic Rifleman MORRISON Grenadier IFFN Saboteur SAVAGE Fire Team Leader GAZ Automatic Rifleman LUPAGO Grenadier RANDOM Saboteur FASTJACK Fire Team Leader Automatic Rifleman Grenadier Saboteur
  12. =VG= Eclipse002 LAN_WROTE ... When you boys decide to DO an event...run the warm up map the whole week in advance..so people can test theire stuff...not just an hour before actual playtime. Hard to do as it would mean one of our servers is basically sitting unused for the entire week just so people can test their mod loadout. I see where you're coming from but having the server up and running the day before is probably our best option for now.
  13. Yeah it seems to spawn mostly ACE radios (not ACRE ones).. so we'll see how that works with no ACE and just ACRE. As for maps... not sure which one would be best. It apparently doesn't work well on certain non-stock maps (Fallujah, Capraia, Bulge..haven't tried any others yet). What about the BAF map Shapur? Or for a bigger map good ol' Takistan?
  14. Sony Vegas is probably your best bet.. ask SemlerPDX about it. I use fraps to record and movie maker or VLC to re-encode.... but I suck at it :)
  15. Yeah that was fun... it's a parameter in the briefing screen to start with weapons or not (or random).. it's just too bad it doesn't work with ACE. We might be able to make it ACE-compatible but not sure if that can happen by Saturday. What do you think... I can test it with ACRE so at least we'll have radios (seemed to work OK yesterday just too many ACE radio spawns)? The respawning was a bit annoying... that is also a parameter (respawn or no respawn) Also we would need to pick a map to play on.
  16. That Dynamic Zombie mission was pretty fun.. I figured out it was ACE causing the lack of weapon spawns, etc. seems it's not quite ACE compatible. So we can use that but without ACE mod. Gonna test the BlackHawkDown missions tonight. If those suck.. I have my own mission we could use based on this mod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14194
  17. ^ it is indeed last minute FYI edit: Now that summer is over this will be more organized.. more people around to participate and I have more time to keep shit flowing. Next day or two I will be posting a thread to get some feedback as to what others want to see during these events... what mods everyone likes... respawn yes/no.. etc etc. Anyone can join in and help... there are lots of things that need to come together to make these events happen.
  18. dman does have a good point though we need to consider picking a set of mods (for each campaign) and sticking to them
  19. If you want to participate this Saturday please post here and vote for what you would like to do. Also in your post please give us your opinion on team vs team or deathmatch-style missions during event warmup (all in good fun of course). Not sure on a start time yet.. perhaps post your availability (in GMT). Edit: ** As if my joke choice is winning!! Fuckers now I have to come up with something LOL !declare **
  20. Yes it seems there was a lot of idiocy going on during that time.. with Tony and Bear doing a lot of damage themselves. Perhaps this is best handled with a warning and probationary period? We have Tony's GUID and will get Bear's if he ever re-joins the server.
  21. There were 2 players named Tony - Tony and Tony Montana I think Montana is a regular so here is the other Tony's GUID: 20:05:13 BattlEye Server: Player #18 Tony - GUID: 6ba92a2fefb9bf63418dc69d94fc352d (I did not ban him yet.. want to make sure we have the right guy) Could not find bear grylls GUID - next time you see him in the server (and can't get his GUID) post date and time and I can look through the logs.
  22. Thanks for the reports... IMO yet another reason to lose the GL humvee :)
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