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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. I'm there..thanks for getting this post started Calv LAN_WROTE ... I agree with the ACE/ACRE thing and would definitely be pushing the session in that direction, but to begin with I think getting everyone on the same page with vanilla arma is the best way. Agreed 100% ACE/ACRE will come once we get people used to the basics.
  2. I don't see why not.. long as Blud is OK with it.
  3. The training mission I'm working on uses the ShacTac Group settings as Calv described.. fireteams, MG teams, AT teams, etc. (all with wonderful map markers for each group leader) Includes a firing range (thanks Calv) as well as a mission in Zargabad once the commander is satisfied with the performance of the trainees !yes Might eventually use the firing range, etc from Clafghan but for now KISS I'll probably be ready to test it out later today (assuming I can keep working on it at the office..lol)
  4. Great posts guys.. this is the stuff we need to work on I think. So do I have any volunteers for assistance with training? Calv has made a quick training mission which I'll expand on.. what we need is players familiar with CQB training (Speirs??) and other aspects mentioned in Calv's post. Note that this is not a move to get super realistic in the game.. just more organized :)
  5. Cool stuff... god damn your sig is mesmerizing !prank
  6. Well we don't have to wait until the next event to discuss.. I'm not a very good SL myself (more of a strategic thinker than a tactical one)... so I'll need to rely on other members to take up the slack.. besides I don't want to do any leading if I've made or helped make the mission as I'll already know all the tricks.
  7. What island does it use? Chernarus? If so does it use the stock map town names and locations?
  8. wow thanks calv.. I've been using the F2 framework to create missions which has a JIP component and also uses standard group IDs and markers (I think it follows the ShacTac group IDs) so I can easily add this stuff. @Murder - yes please do.. we need good SLs who can communicate over TS/VON.. don't care if you have tags or not my friend !declare
  9. AirborneAlways LAN_WROTE ... For those wanting order from chaos, Dslyecxi did a good guide for ARMA 2 which most (if not all) is still usable for Combined Operations. http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/ This guide was designed with Milsim Realism in mind without going to the HARDCORE milsim. This will give those who are unfamiliar with tactics something to read over. Yes excellent guide... read it when I first got into Arma but I should read it again. Calv LAN_WROTE ... Apologies for not being at the event, other stuff came up. Looking at the comments most of the "issues" seem to be stuff that is expected at a first event. Things like command structure, organised teams, squads etc will all be easy to implement once everyone is comfortable turning up on time and has arma and ts working correctly. If you're going to be running missions I would suggest the creation of a "training/warmup" mission. Something simple like a HQ, weapon crates, and shooting range dropped someplace in the desert is enough. Just allows everyone to join, get setup, and discuss/sort out any issues, and blow off some steam before the more "serious" missions begin. Once a set roster is established and there is a good idea of who is turning up each session it's easy enough to split everyone into 4 man fireteams, throw experienced or eager players into the FTL roles, and depending on the mission/number of players maybe a squad leader/command player to keep people organised. Would advise to focus mainly on infantry to begin with until a few fireteams are running and effective, with some basic fireteam knowledge such as where to stand in a line, column, wedge formation, what sectors to cover when in formation or standing still, buddy teams, how to bound. With vanilla arma it is also going to be necessary to push comms discipline on people very early. Pretty easy to manage though, everyone sticks to in-game Group VON, then reserve TS for FTLs/command to communicate. Once you've got some fireteams formed I'm happy and available most times to help teach them the basics, it's a bit more difficult without SThud but doable. Could also be worth considering having two separate arma days. One with vanilla where everyone can slot in whether they want and relax a bit, and an ace/acre sessions with pre-set fireteams and a more organised, serious tone. No worries Calv.. thanks for your post it is good to have some input from someone who has experience in these types of events. I agree with your points about a more structured roster and as mentioned I think that will come over time. Training mission is a definite must.. a few people have mentioned it and if I had more time I would have whipped something up. I'd love to do ACE/ACRE versions as well but I have little to no experience in mission making for ACE. As we saw on Saturday a comms structure is a necessity and as you mentioned having a combo of TS/VON should do the trick. Also having all players on the TS server will be a big plus.
  10. I've been holding off trying this as I know I will not want to stop playing.. but I cannot hold out forever!!
  11. Just reviewing the posts.. here are the comments from Saturday's event: Forgot to say thanks to Poffadder for attempting to create some sort of order amidst the chaos, and to Semler for providing transportation and bouncing services. No pre-event training or support for those new to the game Too many pubbies / idiots / people without mics Lack of co-ordination re: squads / objectives / tactics Mission type (Insurgency) - no 'ending' want clear objectives to complete No mods / ACRE/ ACE The mass pubbies were a positive in some respects.. good to see our Insurgency server full again. I think we can have different types of events.. ones that are locked and for VG members/friends only, and ones that are open to the public where perhaps VG members can play key roles (transport pilot, CAS, FOB setups, etc), while the masses join up and do some ground pounding. It seems that locking the server for most events is a good idea. I'd like to have it so that if pubbies join the TS3 server then fine we will give them the password. It will say in the server browser something like Join TS3 for password. I think with a more co-ordinated effort and specific missions (not open-ended ones like Domi or Ins) it will improve. The squad tactics, etc will come over time.. not too worried about this (Speirs you volunteering to lead the CQB training? lol) As for mods we discussed having the first (few??) event(s) as vanilla Arma 2 CO without requiring any addons as mods can be confusing for new players (and old ones for that matter). Anyone else have anything to add?
  12. Speirs =VG= LAN_WROTE ... @Savage: More minus than plus. Sorry Savage for the harsh criticism. Thank you for organizing the event. I'm sure the next time there are more plus! Please if you have 'harsh' criticism POST it.. I'm a big boy and it will help with future events !mental
  13. First of all THANK YOU to all players that made it out to the event on Saturday - hopefully those that missed it will get a chance next time. Second, my apologies all members... I was not expecting that many people to show up and as such was a bit unprepared. The missions I had tested earlier ranged from 6 - 20 players maximum, and once we had over 20 players in the server and a handful waiting on TS to get in, Insurgency was our only other option. I was also surprised by the number of pubbies that joined in during the event... always a double-edged sword !threaten Comms became a bit of a nightmare and I think turned a few people off especially when that Garrett guy kept getting shot every 2 minutes and yelling for a medic over sidechat. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... maybe just plan the event weeks ahead and have people sign in for the event and know their teams and objectives already before everything starts. also make the eventserver password protected, so noone joins late or uninvited. that might make everything a bit smoother. Well we weren't really set on one mission so that is hard to do. Also since this was our first event I didn't want anything too serious or rigid as I think that scares off a lot of new players or those that don't play MP often. I do understand what you are saying though and I think as we get more events under our belt it will become more 'disciplined'. We will also discuss password-protecting the server for future events (also forces players on TS which is a bonus). lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Great rounds, as i said i am going to be more active in ArmA II, i wish we can keep doing something like this every weekend. Think one of the best tonight was the one with the German army and the lost supplies! Well they do require a bit of work/planning and my wife will actually kill me if I do this every weekend!! That being said if there are members who want to help out in the setup and testing they are more than welcome!! Yes that 20 player mission was actually well done (despite the night/day issue) I'd like to try that one again at some point. Airborne and Pirate - good posts I didn't quote it but I'm thinking along the same lines. The organization/squad tactics/etc will come over time. Your other points are noted and will be up for discussion as well. I would like as much input as possible as to what members want for these events so keep it coming (we must get Pirate a copy of OA!!). Speirs =VG= LAN_WROTE ... - Less or no communication between squads - Not much tactical movement as squad - No warmup-round / basic-training for beginners - No multiplayer mission with objectives and end - Endless Insurgency, boring - No ACRE/ACE mod Suggestion for the next event: - Missions - Predefined squads with task distribution - Communication on the battlefield! - Tactical movement on urban terrain - Training before event Good points Speirs. We actually did start with missions but so many people showed up we had to switch to Insurgency. I also like your idea of having training sessions before the event (like an hour or two before) - we can easily make a 'training' map where new players can break shit and not get chewed out !yes Anyone else with any thoughts on the event or ideas for future events please post them here. !hi
  14. The server is setup and ready I'll be hanging out there. Server is called Veterans Gaming COOP | VG Arma Day Event
  15. Pirate, sorry for any confusion. 3pm Eastern Daylight Time. That is 8 or 9pm in Germany. The time was changed earlier this week from 2pm to 3pm. One hour later... that's it. Not sure where you got the other time from. We are using Arma 2 Combined Operations - which is Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. We are not using any mods. Almost every server these days require both if we were to run Arma 2 only it would be difficult to use any missions as most are made for CO or at least Arrowhead. I'm also pretty sure we mentioned that before and it says in the calendar event CO Do you have the Steam version of Arma 2? Edit: be back in about an hour we'll see what we can do to get you setup
  16. ^ Outlanders you went and ruined it by posting again...lol
  17. I think we might use the other server as we can switch to Insurgency if we get a LOT of players showing up. I've tested 6 different custom missions ranging from 6 players max to 20 players max, so we have a good selection to choose from depending on numbers.
  18. Ok start time is now one hour later 3pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)... calendar updated as well.
  19. Roger that Dave (congrats BTW). So I'm thinking we could move it back one hour.. starting at 3pm EDT instead of 2pm EDT... as we had 4 votes for a later start. Any objections?
  20. ^ Thanks.. uploaded the most recent version to our d/l section (first post updated)
  21. ^ same here it's cool but if it is faster without it then let's ditch it!! Edit: and add a time zone clock!!
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