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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. What about the insurgency radio trigger? It'll show 1-1-A and the player name and then you can print out the class aswell I guess. Edit: Don't know what the COIN interface is. Good idea. If the show class/whatever stuff is in an .sqf file we can set it to activate using the Radio. COIN interface is what is used in Warfare mode to purchase buildings/items. had something like that for a mission I made a while ago, never had time to test it tho. _pos = (getPos (leader (group player))) findEmptyPosition [5, 20, typeOf (vehicle player)]; still a lot more stuff to check, alive, waiting for heal, maybe surfaceiswater, enemies nearby etc Hey..you sound like you know what you're doing... Semler.. chain this guy to the floor and don't let him leave..lol I remember I had to edit a mission.sqm (including all 64 sub-classes, manually) just to get the order you see in the lobby the way I wanted it. good times If memory serves it lists the player slots in the order they were placed in the editor.. which is crazy. We had this problem on the Domination server as well. I took a quick look at defuse.sqf script and from what I could see everyone can defuse mines, only engineers will have a 100% success rate while others have an if(random 2 < 1) Actually I like this better than Eng only.
  2. Squad Leaders should be the only ones who can lock/unlock any type of vehicle period. The locking scripts I mentioned do exactly this - only SLs can unlock (and I assume the CMDR as well). SL gets an AddAction menu item when near a vehicle allowing him to unlock to use, then lock once finished. Vehicles in the editor must start as LOCKED and there is a script for the vehicle's init line. **this works in MP on hosted server - need to test on dedi There needs to be an in game way to view the squad list/and who is in what role similar to what we see when we first join the server and pick our MP slot, use the 1-1-A info each slot has to display a list in game. Review the COIN interface that already exists. I know you can change the slot names from the default 1-1-A to something more logical. The Domi team status dialog was the best IMO however I tried to figure this out a while back and got stumped. Maybe a fresh look will help.
  3. Thanks for help with testing it, cuel Just curious.. how did you find out about us/our server?
  4. That is weird Kane... join us on TS3 and we'll get it figured out
  5. Looks great man... sorry I've been AFK for a few days but will hop on after work today!! The guy who made the original mission (Bon_Inf) really did an excellent job of making it customizable and portable to other islands. I think we should look at porting this to a few different maps (assuming the testing goes well) and have them available on the dedi. Semler man... did you sleep at all this weekend? lol
  6. ABOUT FREAKIN TIME!!!!! Congrats man.. those tags look great beside your name. !hi
  7. Hop on TS3 sweeet and we'll get you setup. For mods there are some great mod-managers/launchers out there that make it soooo much easier. There is also the PR mod but it is still a WIP
  8. Sounds good man.... do you have a copy of this mission .pbo file I could look at?
  9. Actually you (the people) are the government.. .so in reality it is: Corporations 1 People 0
  10. Semler - did you say you had the repair pads working properly again in Domi? If so we should test and upload the fixed version.
  11. ah yes.. I remember steel fury. I used to play many hours on old-school 2D top-down tank games (like Steel Panthers)
  12. lol... don't stare at it too long.. you won't be able to look away !mental
  13. EWWWW!!! I thought it was my avatar that kept you coming back?
  14. 1.60 RC1 was released over the weekend - DO NOT INSTALL it if you want to play on most servers as you cannot roll back to 1.59 and AFAIK there aren't a lot of 1.60 RC1 servers out there. Hopefully this will become the final release which means official patch before 2012... YAY!!
  15. Don't worry too much about it.. just ask 'who was that' if you're not sure... it will take a few weeks to get used to everyone's voice
  16. Well said everyone. My reasons are the same.. it's the players here that make it worth coming back... that and all of Blud's hard work to keep things up and runing.
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