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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Geez - no wonder it had issues - all that mess in the cockpit, all that clutter... probably knocked a switch on the cyclic
  2. @=VG= Sausag3 Added the new event to the calendar, but I was not sure if you wanted me to postpone the weekly SQUAD Event on the calendar or not - If not, I'll move it back from June 6th if you intended to have the players hang out and play some SQUAD, and then break and go back into Arma 3... Just let me know. Cheers!
  3. Happy to answer any questions or listen to any suggestions for my AVCS profiles for VoiceAttack! I am available most days to chat directly in the VG Discord AVCS Support Channel, too. If you have AVCS CORE or any AVCS4 Profile powered by AVCS CORE, you can use the command, "Open Help and Support Menu" for helpful links like the one below: Discord channel link https://discord.gg/BR6NjE3 Feel free to create new topics or to reply to this one. Cheers! If you run VA as Admin and hate the UAC Confirmation Prompt pop-up, check out this method I tossed together to use a Windows Task to bypass UAC when launching VA as Admin: https://forum.voiceattack.com/smf/index.php?topic=3517.msg16179#msg16179
  4. Simple oversight -- I've removed you from the banlist now. It should take effect next time the server crashes/restarts afaik. /locked
  5. ↑ Wow - that takes me back! BF1942 was my first real online MP PC game! (and the subsequent Desert Combat Mod) Thank you for the report! Added to Disabled Maps List (correct me if wrong, I assume ALT is the 32 layer) mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 32 This one was bad because it was a Starter Map, could be the first map on server restart, resulting in chaos.
  6. It appears to be back online. Wasn't me. Maybe CobaltUK or Jeffu.
  7. Server is back online. Must have been restarted to Day 1 -- so, it's Day 2 now, and first few days crash the most. Post here if it happens again. Thanks for the report!
  8. No, he was told that COOP is a buggy mess, and to play Online COOP servers as they will be slightly less so due to Melon and others instantly implementing the same changes they push to the next release version candidate (essentially pre-patching parts of the game for testing/etc. prior to mass update for all), or else avoid COOP until fixed. It's a shitshow all around, and until it's fixed, there's no hope for trying to figure out anything past standard operations (and were these fixed, any solo/offline PvE COOP would likely be functional, too) - by which I mean there is nothing more to do except continue working to fix COOP, and when that is done, problems such as the OP reported will be a non-issue, and PvE offline COOP will work just fine. All we can do is be patient. The 1.6.1 and a patch for it just dropped -- they are actively working on issues.
  9. Yea... no... yea..... not seeing it on the PR SERVER page Crash Reports.... yea... no... yea.... fill out a report.. thaaaanx! https://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/pr-server-support/
  10. That's gotta be the BIOS version of your video card... Nvidia GFX Drivers are currently: Version: 445.87 Release date: 04/15/2020 (problem isn't your hardware, tho - it's the game, so rest easy there - lotta people working to fix it) If it helps you any, VG has disabled the following maps for the *(now depreciated) version as they have known crash issues or reported crashes upon loading: mapList.append albasrah_2 gpm_coop 16 mapList.append albasrah_2 gpm_coop 32 mapList.append albasrah_2 gpm_coop 64 mapList.append asad_khal gpm_coop 32 mapList.append beirut gpm_coop 32 mapList.append beirut gpm_coop 64 mapList.append bijar_canyons gpm_coop 64 mapList.append burning_sands gpm_coop 32 mapList.append fallujah_west gpm_coop 64 mapList.append jabal gpm_coop 32 mapList.append karbala gpm_coop 64 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 32 mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 32 mapList.append lashkar_valley gpm_coop 16 mapList.append lashkar_valley gpm_coop 32 mapList.append lashkar_valley gpm_coop 64 mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 32 mapList.append operation_marlin gpm_coop 32 mapList.append outpost gpm_coop 64 mapList.append ramiel gpm_coop 64
  11. Can give you a list of the maps we have disabled from standard rotation currently - Melon is working on COOP to fix things, as are many other members of the COOP portion of the PR Team. We are doing our part to provide python_error logs and ProCdump crash logs to the PR Devs to help them narrow down and isolate specific issues, and we are asking our players to participate in a Crash Report Form so we can better compile information on maps and their crash tendency/frequency, and hopefully we can correlate this with those crash dump logs, and get the best info we can to those who need it without overloading them with useless or redundant information. VG's current Disabled Maps list: mapList.append albasrah_2 gpm_coop 16 mapList.append albasrah_2 gpm_coop 32 mapList.append albasrah_2 gpm_coop 64 mapList.append asad_khal gpm_coop 32 mapList.append beirut gpm_coop 32 mapList.append beirut gpm_coop 64 mapList.append bijar_canyons gpm_coop 64 mapList.append burning_sands gpm_coop 32 mapList.append fallujah_west gpm_coop 64 mapList.append jabal gpm_coop 32 mapList.append karbala gpm_coop 64 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 32 mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 32 mapList.append lashkar_valley gpm_coop 16 mapList.append lashkar_valley gpm_coop 32 mapList.append lashkar_valley gpm_coop 64 mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 32 mapList.append operation_marlin gpm_coop 32 mapList.append operation_marlin gpm_coop 64 mapList.append outpost gpm_coop 64 mapList.append ramiel gpm_coop 64 definitely accurate, a bit before 2013.... Actually, the founding members of the VG Clan as a gaming group started wearing tags and stomping around PR before having a website or server, iirc - well before my time here... stories ya hear around the campfire... And I assume either our PR license got reset / updated in March 2011, maybe that was our first or second dedicated server migration and needed to change/update it for some reason - I started out as a regular on the VG PR COOP Server in Summer/Fall 2010. My website member number was like 750 ..-ish.... numbers/posts count system took a hit on the last website migration a few years back. Ereen is one of our newer regular members, his website member number is 10,455.... how time files, eh?
  12. I think we all need a break now and then. Sometimes longer than others. Before I was in VG, I played competitive first-person military shooters for nearly ten years, I ran a small clan clan with some friends but would have preferred just being a member, it got pretty heavy sometimes - a lot of shit talking, a lot of assholes & adrenaline, and a lot of frustration at times. When I got here to VG/PR COOP, I was pretty much burned out from "hunting the most dangerous game", burned out from PR Deployment, and started focusing more on the coop/teamwork aspect and fragging endless waves of bots, and got hooked. Now when we go into PvP now and then, it's a completely different feel and atmosphere than back in the day when I only lived for the kill, for those counter-sniper hunts, and those sneaky rear flank maneuvers to deliver the most devastating suicide attack to as many idiots clustered up on the other end of a bottleneck as possible, 'bodies on my mind I can never get enough' ... lol We'll be here if you ever feel like coming back. On top of everything, the PR COOP server and missions being unstable, nearly unplayable (weighted to heavily against players), tensions are high all around. Take your time, be well. Remember, we also play other games here with friends, from Arma 3 to SQUAD, and WarGame, Space Engineers, ARK Survival & ATLAS, even through Minecraft (with a fuck-ton of mods) - our 'whitelist' private servers are not publicly advertised, but mostly welcome to friendly & known/trusted members who inquire, and I'd love to get a Racing League group started, too. Say goodbye to any game you want whenever, just know that doesn't always mean you need to say goodbye to your friends at VG, too.
  13. First 1 to "thirty" minutes? that could be every map at this point We're looking to eliminate known "crashes when loaded" as in cannot run a match for any period of time when we're looking for those to remove altogether. That is the criteria I was trying to highlight for that sort of remark you made about that map. It's important to be specific. We know they're all very unstable, please report all that stuff -- but when it comes to a map that needs to be literally removed from rotation, y'all unfortunately can't just toss up something that 'mostly crashes', ya need to be specific please. Thank you all very much for helping!!! Cheers!
  14. Since you have a means to fix it, try to reproduce it. I doubt highly that getting into a Bot vehicle in game in and of itself could corrupt game files, they don't have some sort of anti-cheat system governing such things and activities in a match, and a game runs in frames, not exactly linked to however you launched the game (which included the selection of a user account and it's files in a separate location from the game).
  15. ↑ Highly recommended https://www.realitymod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=26
  16. muttrah alt -- this is the 32 layer? Is this confirmed to crash upon load? This is important to confirm ASAP as this is a "Starter Map" and will always be one of the choices for the first map following a restart or crash!
  17. Added the FIRST rule that appears on the screen to read, "DO NOT USE the vehicles clearly intended for Bots. They will be patched out later - Admins will warn/kick players using Bot Assets" Feedback, revisions welcome. Please also talk to players, warn them, give them a chance to return safely - if they do not comply, we must enforce this rule. Try not to ban for it, if possible, shouldn't be necessary - just make sure they comply. I'll add it to the Rule here on the website as an addendum -- we normally don't have these vehicles available for players, so this rule will cover times such as this when they are available and we need to enforce this.
  18. Yea, I had to bite the bullet and buy another TrackIR TrackClip Pro for $40 -- after that, I treated it like it was made of glass... I take it off and keep it in a box when not in use. Made it wireless so it's easier to use now, but still I keep it in a box and risk breaking it anytime I use it (say a fly buzzes my head, only a matter of time before I snap this little POS in two again). Wish they made it out of the same plastic polymer that my Glock 17 is made from, seriously, I'd pay $80 for something like this if I only knew I could drop it off a roof and still be able to use it for years. I gotta get all my shit set up again, re-read the graphics setup on the BMS forums, great pics of the different settings screens, etc: https://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/showthread.php?29750-Good-Quality-and-Good-Performance-Guide-NVIDIA&highlight=nvidia The most annoying thing is trying to get the damn ministick on the X52 Pro to work... but I think the problem we had before was I had X52 (non-pro) and I think you got the X52 Pro, right, BLuD? If so, that's why the fix that worked for ME did not work for you back in the day. Now that I have X52 Pro, and if that's what you got, whatever fix I get working will also work for you. Same method for both, just different file format for the profile save, that's all. I got some server work to do this week, and I am culling just a couple features from the upcoming BETA test for my next BMS voice control system just so I can get it out there cuz having that work hanging over my head prevents me from feeling like losing myself in games, other projects, etc. After that, I'm gonna spend a lot more time on our various servers, particularly BMS. I want to get some online SOP's for comms and such that we can make simple guides with pics on the forums here, to help new players dive right in to our casual sim-server.
  19. Really wish we had a tracker of some kind to get this information. I check in on the server randomly throughout the day, and could flip a coin as to when there are people flying - sometimes I recognize the names, other times I don't. I'm a daytime pilot myself, when I fly I like to do it between 11am-4pm Pacific US Time, but if we do get some group flights scheduled, I'll find the time to fit in whenever it is. I know that Kav and STARK have been doing some training flights on Saturdays, as STARK learns the sim.
  20. different name on those forums? didn't see it.... maybe just bump the thread if it got lost in the mix
  21. Honestly, at this point, you really should move this over to the Support forums at the Project Reality Website.... You are far beyond all of the basic things we all would try here, and are into the realm where it might be a good idea for the actual PR Devs to understand what is happening for you. This will in turn be able to help others they come across with issues such as yours, or even other users who read your post (and it's eventual resolution). Please check out the pinned topics near the top, these have information that can help and also help them help you: https://www.realitymod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=27
  22. Yes, we are quite aware of this issue. Many design elements of this type were made by a person who considers COOP "too easy" despite the extremely subjective nature of such opinions, a player who plays COOP "good" by knowing all of the meta information most players don't focus on such as specific parameters of AI Bot behavior and spawning locations, and other factors that essentially remove any sort of mystery or immersion into a game focusing instead upon knowledge of exactly how the OPFOR will advance and behave. There were even votes and polls regarding these hardcore changes to a large body of regular COOP players who frequent this website years ago, and they were voted down and many objections were noted. Despite this, we now find the COOP game mode severely weighted to spite the players, in an extreme hardcore re-envisioning of this game mode that the majority of COOP players had not asked for. Most importantly, these changes were not tested with a large body of COOP players for balance and playablity, which is a massive oversight of their designer, to the detriment of you, the players. I only offer these opinions and criticism with a constructive intent, I hope that in time, the COOP game mode can return to a balanced game that is enjoyable with a few small teams or a large server full of players equally, with map layers that respect these numbers in a more tested and favorable manner for the players who actually play the game as it was intended.
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