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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. I've passed over the module in the editor a few times but never actually tried it out. God Bless ACE modules :)
  2. Yes keep them coming I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it!!
  3. If the original Forgotten Hope mod works with this I'm all over it!! Or Desert Combat.. anyone remember that one?
  4. Great thread BTW dman248 LAN_WROTE ... What you need is training, starting with just basic stuff so every one is on the same page. We all play different ways so why not just get together one day and train. I would be more than willing to do this. ^ this.. ie: basic squad movement and formations ..yes it's 'boring' but it gives everyone some base knowledge to work with. The more of this we do.. the less 'micro-managing' required within your squad as members will know what do to in most situations. Domi is OK but it kinda gets old after a while... I'm liking more the toned down approach to missions like using iron sights and not having air support. The problem with using heavy assets in Arma (as someone mentioned) is that you have to even that out on the OPFOR side and that is very difficult to do when playing vs AI. Dman - if you're willing to do some training I can put together a schedule and/or sign-up thread.. we could also get an idea of what others want to learn besides the basic squad stuff ie: corpsman, mortars, static gun sights, explosives, etc.
  5. So... like ACRE? (Sorry last Arma mention.. lol) Will be there and try to figure out Mumble
  6. I can also help with your briefing, notes, etc... I'll try and hop in next time I see you on TS we should discuss. Also briefing.html is used for de-briefing at mission end (at least in the F2 framework)... which reminds me I really need to get a std mission template together it will make stuff like briefing, tasks, etc much easier.
  7. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... hahah :D sounds cool! a shame that there isnt any Stalker MP missions :P Guess I'll have to make one then !download
  8. Can't seem to find any STALKER MP missions.... Did find this though and it looks fun.. it's a Bon_Inf mission (same guy who did TFOR missions.. .remember CLafghan?) co35 Hunt for Waldo v2 Chernarus Do not kill Waldo, we do not want him to become a martyr. Mission fails if Waldo dies. Your mission starts at the U.S.S. Leo with conquering the main airfield. Once we secured the airfield we have to clear the north route for our support planes, we cannot install what we need or bring the UAV airborne unless they arrived. With the UAV airborne we immediately start to collect information about where Waldo could hide at the moment. You will then get further orders ASAP. Also we are going to use any possibilty to weaken enemy assets, by destroying small factorys and HQs or hunting down all enemy forces in certain areas. Unfortunately we do not have much information about his current location, we have to improvise and obtain intel as good as we can. Our aims will be enemy ammo crates, depots, convoys, which could contain further information, as well as high ranked red force officers for interrogation. Chernarussian military forces putsched the country's administration almost three month ago. As a reaction US forces start an invasion today, Thu, July 11, at the south coast of the country to hunt down the oppositions leader, codename 'Waldo'. What do you think?
  9. ^ yes and it's pretty cool I'll be working it into the campaign. I'll see if there are any missions that come with it.
  10. Well I don't really have anything ready.. we could do the Cinder City one again I suppose. That or find another ACE mission on Armaholic ....test it out and use it.
  11. Is there any plan for this weekend? We could do Insurgency Friday again... I should have Namalsk Campain Mission Two ready for Nov 10th
  12. I think it went OK.. no major glitches. We got pretty owned by the AI but did complete the objective.
  13. Thanks Morrison we will have to setup an all-German squad :) Any other (critical) comments re: the mission? Too hard? Too soft? Hate the forced 1st person? Don't like the lack of weapon selection? Also thanks to dman for some suggestions! Participants: 1Sg.Morrison ciro ColdNfreeziN dman248 Iffn Ingo Liquid Tracer Lt.R.C.Speirs Murderface0151 Outlanders Patterson Poffadder SavageCDN SemlerPDX Terremer Wooz Honorable mention to Outlanders who was the first to die !hang
  14. There are shotguns in the briefing gear menu the M1014 and the SPAS 12... not sure if they are breaching shotguns though.. those were the only 2 I could find (AA12 does not count)
  15. So does MCC use UPSMON and/or DAC to generate AI or just UPSMON? I printed out the manual at work in colour but haven't had the time to look at it. Yeah the suppression stuff is a beta version that runs ONLY on the server in COOP missions (has to be integrated into the mission unfortunately but that is OK).. no clients should be running TPWCAS AI supp or the AI LOS mods.
  16. ^ for sure...added to roster. Mod update - please remove @tpwc_ai_supp from your mod preset for this event. I am testing the dedicated server version of this mod (for COOP only) which should improve performance.. and doesn't require the clients to have the mod. Also added a link to find out GMT time (that countdown timer thing seems to break posts)
  17. Six updater custom presets and repositories: http://www.six-projects.net/Six_Updater+CustomRepos_Setup
  18. @torts - are you in for the event too or just after party?
  19. It is available in Six-Updater I would recommend using that to d/l http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/show/04b4a572-0aec-11e1-bd69-001517bd964c lol was reading the forums thread for MCC: VCB ran our first full trial mission with this last night and the MCC Sandbox held up very well. Less can be said about my ability as the MM though - resisting the temptation to fiddle is difficult so things got a bit out of hand towards the end. I accidentally spawned an enemy fighter jet in the wrong zone, so lacking the ability to delete it I spawned a friendly fighter jet to come and shoot it down. Then I needed some Enemy AA to shoot down the friendly fighter because it was circling overhead and not moving to the new zone location (minor bug there probably caused by the AI still being in combat or something). I'm not sure what the rest of the platoon knew what to make of the developing air battle going on overhead. So I added some soothing bagpipe music to take their minds of it.
  20. @Iffn - it's not a long mission (I know I said that last time but I really really mean it this time!!) and it will have JIP so we can start on time and others can join in. This mission will be more like a COD map than Arma (ducks). If we get over 12 players I have 2 options: - increase the numbers for COOP - make it a Team Deathmatch mission
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